I read the info leaflet delivered (by local chamber of commerce) to the traders in Youghal today. Concerning the New By-Laws on parking in Youghal. Yeah! Sure, I heard some rumour that the council were going to charge for any parking in the town. Didn't think much of it at the time .. you know how these rumours go . . .
Anyway, that was the first I heard of it. So I thought I'd have a look on Internet, to see if I could find any more info on it. . . Zilch, Nada not an iota!! .. I was surprised, I mean in these days of Information Technology I did expect to find some reference to these new by-laws. I mean at least something, especially on the Youghal Urban Councils website. If not the document itself, then at least some reference as to WHERE I could get this info. But, Nothing! Not a squeak!
I would think that this is important enough an issue affecting not only the people living and working in Youghal, but even people visiting for shopping/business/recreation etc and parking their cars in Youghal, that this issue would have been well publicized.
I went to the town hall to ask for info on the new by-laws. The attendant at the counter was very helpful and asked if I wanted a copy of the document at a cost of €3. I declined (I don't mind admitting it is my firm belief that all such information should be made available to the public free of charge).
I asked to borrow the document itself to read it on the premises. Whereupon the said document was retrieved from under the counter. On the first page it states that this document is 'ON PUBLIC DISPLAY' from such and such a date to such and such a date! Again, I was quite surprised! Does YUDC honestly regard this an efficient method to put a rather important issue on public display? That is: One copy kept under the counter.
I explained to the attendant that in my opinion this was not sufficient publication of this document. In reply I was told that the information had been 'well' publicized in the press. I had missed all this publicity.
Anyway, I asked where else the public could access this information. Is there by chance a copy in the library? No! The Post Office? No! Any other public areas? No!
But, surely such an important issue would warrant a little more effort on the part of YUDC to make this document a little more easily accessable. I mean the technology is there. Surely it would be no great undertaking to post it on their website for example! I mean somebody had to compose this document. They most likely did so on a computer ( a few clicks and it would have been on-line). The document is in the public domain. I do have a right to see it. It appears to me as though YUDC would rather it be as difficult as possible to publicly access this information.
I mean, come on! . . ONE copy under the counter in the town hall :)
How will physically handicapped people access it? Blind people? People that don't read newspapers every day (even if they knew which paper to read). Of course maybe they could order a copy at €3 from the town hall, provided they have read their newspapers or seen something that informs them of the documents existence in the first place!
In my opinion a very poor and typical performance by YUDC in making public information available to it's electorate.
In fact most information available on the issue of the new by-laws has been made available to the public by parties OTHER than the Urban District Council ( apart from the press publication, which a lot of people seem to have missed).
After browsing through the document I have learned that there will in effect be no free parking in the town and it will cost more to park. In my opinion this town with its dying trades needs more incentive to draw more visitors in, and this move will absolutely do nothing to help that along.
There is a public meeting being held at the Walter Raleigh Hotel on Wed 27th at 7pm. regarding these new by-laws. Hosted as far as I know by Junior Chamber of Commerce. I strongly urge anyone with an interest in their town to attend and make your voice heard. This affects all who live in the town (and all who visit it) even if the council seem to think it's not such a big deal . . . . .
Anyway, that was the first I heard of it. So I thought I'd have a look on Internet, to see if I could find any more info on it. . . Zilch, Nada not an iota!! .. I was surprised, I mean in these days of Information Technology I did expect to find some reference to these new by-laws. I mean at least something, especially on the Youghal Urban Councils website. If not the document itself, then at least some reference as to WHERE I could get this info. But, Nothing! Not a squeak!
I would think that this is important enough an issue affecting not only the people living and working in Youghal, but even people visiting for shopping/business/recreation etc and parking their cars in Youghal, that this issue would have been well publicized.
I went to the town hall to ask for info on the new by-laws. The attendant at the counter was very helpful and asked if I wanted a copy of the document at a cost of €3. I declined (I don't mind admitting it is my firm belief that all such information should be made available to the public free of charge).
I asked to borrow the document itself to read it on the premises. Whereupon the said document was retrieved from under the counter. On the first page it states that this document is 'ON PUBLIC DISPLAY' from such and such a date to such and such a date! Again, I was quite surprised! Does YUDC honestly regard this an efficient method to put a rather important issue on public display? That is: One copy kept under the counter.
I explained to the attendant that in my opinion this was not sufficient publication of this document. In reply I was told that the information had been 'well' publicized in the press. I had missed all this publicity.
Anyway, I asked where else the public could access this information. Is there by chance a copy in the library? No! The Post Office? No! Any other public areas? No!
But, surely such an important issue would warrant a little more effort on the part of YUDC to make this document a little more easily accessable. I mean the technology is there. Surely it would be no great undertaking to post it on their website for example! I mean somebody had to compose this document. They most likely did so on a computer ( a few clicks and it would have been on-line). The document is in the public domain. I do have a right to see it. It appears to me as though YUDC would rather it be as difficult as possible to publicly access this information.
I mean, come on! . . ONE copy under the counter in the town hall :)
How will physically handicapped people access it? Blind people? People that don't read newspapers every day (even if they knew which paper to read). Of course maybe they could order a copy at €3 from the town hall, provided they have read their newspapers or seen something that informs them of the documents existence in the first place!
In my opinion a very poor and typical performance by YUDC in making public information available to it's electorate.
In fact most information available on the issue of the new by-laws has been made available to the public by parties OTHER than the Urban District Council ( apart from the press publication, which a lot of people seem to have missed).
After browsing through the document I have learned that there will in effect be no free parking in the town and it will cost more to park. In my opinion this town with its dying trades needs more incentive to draw more visitors in, and this move will absolutely do nothing to help that along.
There is a public meeting being held at the Walter Raleigh Hotel on Wed 27th at 7pm. regarding these new by-laws. Hosted as far as I know by Junior Chamber of Commerce. I strongly urge anyone with an interest in their town to attend and make your voice heard. This affects all who live in the town (and all who visit it) even if the council seem to think it's not such a big deal . . . . .