CountryLink Management issues are not isolated to the Operations Area. The tree is rotten from the top to its ever entangled roots.
How can it be lead when its leaders have no morals or ethics. Surrounding themselves with sycophants who feel no lack of self respect when spewing out platitudes and rhetoric that makes you cringe when you hear it. Nepotism is rampant, just take a look at the people who are rising to the top for the last few years. You don't have to have any real ability when it comes to producing a tangible outcome, you just have to know how to appease and stroke the ego of it's General Manager.
They (The Management Team) love to get together for their "Management meetings or Business Development meetings", all they are is an excuse for a tax payer funded piss up, where copious amounts of drinking is the norm. We the tax payer foot the bill for their 4 star accommodation, each member has their own suite, how many of them actually spend the whole night in their own room. Enjoying a three course dinner, drinking and toasting each others superiority and greatness. These meetings are often held off site in locations the normal person only goes to for a special occasion.
RailCorp as a whole is just a den of wolves, the front line staff are the sheep for the wolves to prey upon. You think CounryLink is the only part of this decaying organisation, it's not.
Managers are now creating managers to help manage the other managers and Deputy General Managers to manage them, so they can report to the General Manager that all the managers are managing. They should stop to think if they keep cutting the frontline workforce, who will be left to do the work, when there are only Managers left.
How can it be lead when its leaders have no morals or ethics. Surrounding themselves with sycophants who feel no lack of self respect when spewing out platitudes and rhetoric that makes you cringe when you hear it. Nepotism is rampant, just take a look at the people who are rising to the top for the last few years. You don't have to have any real ability when it comes to producing a tangible outcome, you just have to know how to appease and stroke the ego of it's General Manager.
They (The Management Team) love to get together for their "Management meetings or Business Development meetings", all they are is an excuse for a tax payer funded piss up, where copious amounts of drinking is the norm. We the tax payer foot the bill for their 4 star accommodation, each member has their own suite, how many of them actually spend the whole night in their own room. Enjoying a three course dinner, drinking and toasting each others superiority and greatness. These meetings are often held off site in locations the normal person only goes to for a special occasion.
RailCorp as a whole is just a den of wolves, the front line staff are the sheep for the wolves to prey upon. You think CounryLink is the only part of this decaying organisation, it's not.
Managers are now creating managers to help manage the other managers and Deputy General Managers to manage them, so they can report to the General Manager that all the managers are managing. They should stop to think if they keep cutting the frontline workforce, who will be left to do the work, when there are only Managers left.