I have a question about mathcad. I have a equation loking something like this:
witch I like to solve for f(x)=0 witch meen I like to find the x for witch f=0
The problem is that the term (x-y) should be the absolute value and then mathcad cant solv the equation using f solve,x->
I then tried to rewrite the term like this squarrot( (x-y)^2) witch of corse is the same but I thought this way to write it maight helpbut NOP it dident. Matchad was unable to solve the equation so my question:
How do i get Mathcad to solve equations witch contains absolute values?
I have a question about mathcad. I have a equation loking something like this:
witch I like to solve for f(x)=0 witch meen I like to find the x for witch f=0
The problem is that the term (x-y) should be the absolute value and then mathcad cant solv the equation using f solve,x->
I then tried to rewrite the term like this squarrot( (x-y)^2) witch of corse is the same but I thought this way to write it maight helpbut NOP it dident. Matchad was unable to solve the equation so my question:
How do i get Mathcad to solve equations witch contains absolute values?