As a teen growing up in Louisville and knowing little about nuclear power still innocent to most prejudices for or against new technologies that may or may not be dangerous to mankind or cause more harm then good in the long run, Marble Hill was a huge endeavor in our community(or should we say just north in the southern part of the Hoosier territory). I had nothing against it and was not persuaded at the time or now that the disaster and mistakes of Three Mile Island would be repeated there. Many of the best builders, engineers, nuclear agencies and experts and tons of other groups were involved in that project you could telll by watching it's development. The end caused a huge economic wave in the surrounding community. I remember my parents looking for a 2nd home and they had a choice of former Marble Hill workers houses within a 500 mile radius. Though he is an absolutely brilliant storyteller, reminds me of KY's own Jesse Stuart, Mr. Blair does seem to be overly zealous for preservation and just too alarming in his stance on the dangers of "Nukes" in power generating which in itself is extremely green sided and he doesn't seem to realize what is necessary for us to keep moving ahead and diversifying in alternative power sources. The economic impacts were heavy around the area after they closed the construction and "almost finished" (not 50 percent like Blair mentioned) huge state of the art Nuclear Power Plant. I remember flying over it in a plane in Civil Air Patrol when it was under construction and it was the biggest building project I'd ever seen and entirely futuristic looking. Like a huge concrete steam engine with stacks ready to start blowing steam. I said "What in sam hill is that?" and my instructor implied "Marble Hill" not sam. It was way more impressive from the sky and looked well on the way to completion. But those spots they found, inspectors kept complaining about OH YES "Honey Combs" in the concrete. It sounded like the workers were doing everything necessary to fix them but tough new regulations kept preventing them from moving on. They X-rayed that concrete and everything or something to find out where the problems were. I was very disappointed when it stopped being finished and am to this day. Nuclear Power is what we need to help give us something to supplement us until that next new and cleaner energy is discovered. That plant situated where it was could of supplied this whole region. Yes, it was sitting there abandoned for years as most of these old sites that closed construction but it can't be all blamed on the builders. An equal amount of blame for the waste, drastic waste of resources, time, money, energy and effort also need to be shared with the environmentalists who scared people into making a different decision that still may prove the very wrong one. If necessity is the mother of invention, then Fear has got to be the Father of Failure, as it was with Marble Hill Nuclear Power Plant. Those supposed environmental protectors shut this project down but what about all those other one that got built about the time of this one or before it. Did workers conceal problems with their construction too that they didn't blow the whistle on? Are there any "Honey combs" in those containment housings and if so How many? It should of took more then a minor flaw that resembled breakfast ceareal to shut that project down.