1 These started long before now.Some reacurring.Started at a young age.1st/A tree,children under tree,around me,im preaching,in the distance a evil force,one child ran to otherside,i yelled out,dont go there.{God has shown me today,the meaning}It means,the tree represents the governmental systems,my mission,for children around the world,to protect them,from the enemy satan,for Jesus name sake.In the last couple years,they came out with this symbol of the tree,in ontario,on every truck,sighn.2,A river going up,down,im on it,it drys up,im safe,A mountain,Above it was Jesus Christ looking down.The bible says,i didnt know then,in.{ revelations 12,a woman,dragon,a flood,it is dried up.}The dragon,represents the governmental,beast,the antichrist.}So you see,my mission is true.Verse 15,in revelation 12,says,Then the dragon,tried to drown,the woman with a flood,of water that flowed from his mouth.But the earth helped her by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that gushed out from mouth of the dragon.So you see,God protects me.Im a good woman.3/a room,leaders,a evil presence in black on my left,im on floor,crying out in pain,then a baby was born,in me,the leaders,came rescued us.I have had a son,in 1995,his name is timothey,since then many t.v evangelists have said,or on radio,pray for all the timotheys in the world.I didnt desire a son,i prayed i wouldnt,not knowing future events at this time,just new he was the only boy born in our family,would be taken from me.{So i had a boy,many said,he looks like a little man,not a baby.I kept wondering why.Hes 15 now,born february 7 .On t.v since than,ive watched documentries,saying a child would be born,in february 7,who will rule.A documentry on Jesus Christ,birth.}In the cathlic faith,many believe,in sighns,of chosen people,bleeding from there bodies.In 2007,i did just that,in front of my friends,who dont believe in God.[I walked through a big house,they lived in,to backyard,they looked at me,said nina whats happening to you?I said what,your bleeding.I looked down at myself,sure enough i was from my side,kneck,it poored down onto the cement.This is a accual event.Its a representation of Gods chosen,and a woman,baring witness to His truths.Latter that evening,my friends,i walked to my home,on the way saw my pastors wife,outside nazereene church.My friend took apon herslf,to tell her what happened,that day.I verified it,gave them the white dress i wore,with blood stains,they hung it up,for a few days.Told there young daughter of about 5 to 7 years of age,she questioned me,i said yes hun it trully happened,i wouldnt lie about such things,or to a child.]In revelation 12,talks of a ruler of nations,with a rod,who will free nations,a manchild,born through this woman.{4/A field,desolate,arc aid mission,moving away,i walked up field,to forest,the field turned into,many beautifull flowers,i looked down,a purple liloc,i picked it,tasted it was sweet.looked to left,of my side,a river flowing to one side,like a pool,round at the end.A light in sky,i walked down,saw a angel,he spoke to me,dont worship me,im sent by God.Nina he said,do you know why people push you away?[I said no ,why?He said,you have a love so deep,they cant confathom,they cant get close too,there afraid,of it.}This is a vision of my future,jurney.Im moving away from street life,to better things in the Lord.Though many will persicute me,run from this love THe angel spoke about.Or even try to take advantage of.]Its happening today.