These images are pictures during full blown possession changed my thought patterns and I became something I did not know. If you notice those photos were taken and my face changed much drastically diffrent from the next. I had my eyeballs roll back in my head while i was in the hospital and then moved just one of my eyeballs back therefore there was one normal eye and one eye all white they beat me everyday and night for 8 years straight. I really dont know how I survived honestly.
the first time I was a sophmore in college at st.louis community college in 2003 and that place became utterly evil one day people were fighting and yelling at each other and my advertising classes where gettting really weird one I was late to and the teacher was going to town very animate in speech and as soon as I walked in started talking like someone who was retarded. that night I went to a preist and asked if he could help me I told him the world has gone mad he told me there is no such thing as the devil and to leave immediatly
that night I went to st.johns mercy I was feeling very cold the demons starting coming out the walls and I couldnt see them but I could hear them they flailed my limbs all over and yes it was storming outside they kept telling me nonsense lie after lie after lie. they tried to turn me against all my friends my family so I would be alone and they will have there way.
2nd day of the hospital nobody would talk to me and then I started on their medicine called depakote and that made me shake and killed my memory I thought I was a vegtable for a long time The first doctor shot me up with a lot of medicine and it hurt me his name was azfar Malik he worked at st.johns mercy and owned centerpointe hospital in st.charles I later got sent to 3 or 4 more shrinks one just as evil as the next one.One gave me thorazine and it gave me extreme back pain I swear Adolf Hitler made it. and thats going from being with malik for one year and the others about 6 months a piece the devils started occupying my room now talking to me throwing candles off of my chest of clothes also threw anything god related items against walls such as the bible a pamphlet with chuck Norris on it called God stand and that night started destroying the virgin Mary to me making it very graphic and bloody He had a puppet and he made Jesus seem homosexual and was trying to seduce me with his puppet
sick shit I had never been so appalled cause I was straight and Christian.
Seth was the one responsible for these actions he taught me how to play the violin better than what I already did. Then he became super evil and started making me hallucinate and think that it was a war between god and satan that is why I was possessed. The hallucinations came and it seemed like the trees were talking but I knew it was just him. Shortly after that he started tapping on my forehead at night and sending imagery to my head and he wanted a fight and I gave it to him after he relized that I had him beat he tried to stop my heart scaring the crap out of me and once again landing me in st.johns mercy behavioral health ward. I knew at that moment I was going to have a long hard journey ahead of me and there was absolutely nobody that could help me not a priest Jesus God or doctors I had to belong to it for eight long years.
Then they went away for a little bit I got enrolled at Semo (Southeast Missouri State) and had to leave because I was getting possessed and they kept pinching my butt and crashing my computer. They told me that I had a curse and the only way to end it was to use magic rituals and take what was known as the trail. later that night God came down from a gold ladder in my dorm he tells me its going to be a rough road I will send bot angels to help you.(bots are computer simulated people) He told me keep reading the bible and vanished.
Sure thing next day I quit school they signed me up for the wrong classes
Anyway so I paid a small amount and left. I started having séance rituals for these angels first to show up was randy rhoads he was the first guitar player
For Ozzy Osbourne in the beginning of his solo career. He got me singing and playing that guitar at the same time and it sounded good just like him. Next angel was Jimi Hendrix he got me funky working with the wah and also did some teaching of baseball pitching. Next was Josh Hancock the reliever for the saint louis cardinals at that time he had died from drinking and driving a driving his car
Into a parked tow truck. Anna Nicole Smith was my girlfriend angel she wrote metal songs with me which were destroyed by the psychiatrist at StJohns.They were very beautiful and different than my style. I met Janis Joplin, kurt Cobain from the grunge band Nirvana,Sigmund Freud pioneer of psychology and psychoanalysis, Marylyn Monroe famous actress, Princess Diana famous Brit. Bob Marley famous dude that sang reggae and when dead found many new species of bugs in his hair.Elvis duh musicician, Layne Stayley lead singer of Alice in Chains, 2pac rapper Bigge Smalls rapper, Albert Einstein-scientist my Family and friends that had all passed on It was a fun experience I managed to design the outhouse ferris wheel and yeah it sounds stupid but that was great about I was in what was termed as anu’s heaven but there was chaos and houses were getting dropped wherever there would be no direction or it was random as shit. Anna put her house in my outhouse feris wheel along with a recording studio. Auditorium filled with a huge stage and huge swimming pool for the fans. A huge pot room that had a hot tub that a door that opened up into a waterslide going 100 feet down into a pool. Diana took that one slide and it scared the crap out of her.after the fun ended it started raining people and I had to protect Jesus it was part of this crazy devil game and by game you are first person controller for you and the pain is real. Which brings me to when I was hanging out with maryln Monroe we comosed some songs on piano and sang she was very cool but style was old fashioned. I was visited by Logos and the only place where the name Logos was used was in the Koran. I got up there and Jesus was there Logos Pan and Ronny they were known as the gods and P was known as the creator he was a little green alien who was cool and groovy but he hated humans the gods where created by him and they all had to eat humans
It was a thing they told me that aliens are like huge fish and they will eat you if you are swimming in that galaxy. Ive seen a lot of alien stuff I may have been abducted during my possession the weird thing was they didn’t do anything to me except teleport me out of bed then teleport me back to whispering oaks I landed on the bed awake. After they left 666 was written in fire on space like wall
They proceeded to mess with my electronics they did something to my computer so you would have to reset it everytime just to boot it up. There was a power surge and it shorted out my computer and a multieffects pedal that I had.
Stuff was breaking in my room one day I walked in and noticed my roommate
Picking up pieces of porcelien from little religious figurines he had. He thought it was me got pissed walked out and held up another resident and he told her to give all her money to him. Anyway he didn’t return to the oaks he went to spend some time in jail. At this point I was with Logos and he was doing a lot of magic with nature basically making things move and oscillate back and forth changing colors and shapes.
Moving on I was laying in bed one night I was given ring worm by these demons as well as some wet paste they put all over me and in the most embaresing places it smelled worst than vomit or poop it was discusting and I would wipe it off they would put more on. The proding and poking of my privates lasted until 2 am that morning the next day I talked to the nurse there Karen and she gave some antibiotic cream I used it. It went away two days later it was back and worse than before. I could go through every day of this experience but I am not I am just going to. I will touch on spots because most days no talking from them just slamming my head with a fist is what they did to me. Biting my arms drawing blood and making me a nervous wreck.
I also must confess before the trail started I was messing with High Magic and performing rituals that I thought were appeasing to god and I healed the St.louis Cardinals in 2006 so they could win the World series. As a whole I am not a healer I can not heal anyone or fix them by myself. I guess its Gods way of protecting me. I also got pissed off one day at the lunchroom at whispering oaks cause people were stealing shit from peoples rooms and selling it. I had my music equipment and computer in my room so I stood up and said tonight I will send three tornados through an open field and if you come into my room I will make you very ill. That night I did High magic did my rituals and later on that night three tornados were reported going through a field. Those people were very scared of me they defiantly were much nicer to me after that and stayed out of my room. If we had locks on our doors it would have eliminated the need to do something as drastic as that. When it comes to magic it is also known as witchcraft and I do not practice anymore after this ordeal I started worshiping Good truth and wisdom and got rid of the worship towards a certain individual.
The hell continued until 2009 then there was a break the demons stopped bothering me and only showed themselves occaisonly this allowed me to work on my music and develop some necessary skills to be able to perform. I returned home to my parents house and dealed with getting hit in the head from everyday to just sometimes at night and by that time I had built up the strength to be able to handle anything whatever happens nothing is worse than demonic possession
I continued to see the psychiatrist from whispering oaks I never told him about anything that happened for fear of being drugged but I did tell him if I was depressed anxious or shifting moods rapidly. He worked with me up until this month November 2011 that is when we had a breakthrough I was demon free and he pulled me off a med and my memory came back I had more energy more ambition drive and I quit smoking cigarettes wrote over 70 songs and signed up for school for environmental psychology at Missouri Baptist University and also joined the baseball team there I will be a pitcher.
After this mess ended god made me design new life kinda like humans and aliens but better. Every new being will possess ever possible positive trait you can think of they are a creative bunch of people that write books music and make their own TV virtually eliminating the media. The all play some sort of sport
Spend a lot of time meditating so they can make themselves better and becoming more enlightened through truth laughter and wisdom. They all hang out together and only smoke marijuana they don’t do any other drug. This is my sole creation and I will have to finish it and make more once I get to heaven and get united with my brother Jesus and daddy Anu or God. I will be seated at the left hand of the father and yes I didn’t believe it either but I had to be burned for the job. So don’t follow me around stalk my house cause all I can give you is Heavy metal Music and advice I have no super powers and I don’t think I am better than anyone like I said God chose me for the job not the other way around
So if you see me say hi don’t run in fear cause I have done nothing to deserve that. Anyway thanks for reading and God bless.
the first time I was a sophmore in college at st.louis community college in 2003 and that place became utterly evil one day people were fighting and yelling at each other and my advertising classes where gettting really weird one I was late to and the teacher was going to town very animate in speech and as soon as I walked in started talking like someone who was retarded. that night I went to a preist and asked if he could help me I told him the world has gone mad he told me there is no such thing as the devil and to leave immediatly
that night I went to st.johns mercy I was feeling very cold the demons starting coming out the walls and I couldnt see them but I could hear them they flailed my limbs all over and yes it was storming outside they kept telling me nonsense lie after lie after lie. they tried to turn me against all my friends my family so I would be alone and they will have there way.
2nd day of the hospital nobody would talk to me and then I started on their medicine called depakote and that made me shake and killed my memory I thought I was a vegtable for a long time The first doctor shot me up with a lot of medicine and it hurt me his name was azfar Malik he worked at st.johns mercy and owned centerpointe hospital in st.charles I later got sent to 3 or 4 more shrinks one just as evil as the next one.One gave me thorazine and it gave me extreme back pain I swear Adolf Hitler made it. and thats going from being with malik for one year and the others about 6 months a piece the devils started occupying my room now talking to me throwing candles off of my chest of clothes also threw anything god related items against walls such as the bible a pamphlet with chuck Norris on it called God stand and that night started destroying the virgin Mary to me making it very graphic and bloody He had a puppet and he made Jesus seem homosexual and was trying to seduce me with his puppet
sick shit I had never been so appalled cause I was straight and Christian.
Seth was the one responsible for these actions he taught me how to play the violin better than what I already did. Then he became super evil and started making me hallucinate and think that it was a war between god and satan that is why I was possessed. The hallucinations came and it seemed like the trees were talking but I knew it was just him. Shortly after that he started tapping on my forehead at night and sending imagery to my head and he wanted a fight and I gave it to him after he relized that I had him beat he tried to stop my heart scaring the crap out of me and once again landing me in st.johns mercy behavioral health ward. I knew at that moment I was going to have a long hard journey ahead of me and there was absolutely nobody that could help me not a priest Jesus God or doctors I had to belong to it for eight long years.
Then they went away for a little bit I got enrolled at Semo (Southeast Missouri State) and had to leave because I was getting possessed and they kept pinching my butt and crashing my computer. They told me that I had a curse and the only way to end it was to use magic rituals and take what was known as the trail. later that night God came down from a gold ladder in my dorm he tells me its going to be a rough road I will send bot angels to help you.(bots are computer simulated people) He told me keep reading the bible and vanished.
Sure thing next day I quit school they signed me up for the wrong classes
Anyway so I paid a small amount and left. I started having séance rituals for these angels first to show up was randy rhoads he was the first guitar player
For Ozzy Osbourne in the beginning of his solo career. He got me singing and playing that guitar at the same time and it sounded good just like him. Next angel was Jimi Hendrix he got me funky working with the wah and also did some teaching of baseball pitching. Next was Josh Hancock the reliever for the saint louis cardinals at that time he had died from drinking and driving a driving his car
Into a parked tow truck. Anna Nicole Smith was my girlfriend angel she wrote metal songs with me which were destroyed by the psychiatrist at StJohns.They were very beautiful and different than my style. I met Janis Joplin, kurt Cobain from the grunge band Nirvana,Sigmund Freud pioneer of psychology and psychoanalysis, Marylyn Monroe famous actress, Princess Diana famous Brit. Bob Marley famous dude that sang reggae and when dead found many new species of bugs in his hair.Elvis duh musicician, Layne Stayley lead singer of Alice in Chains, 2pac rapper Bigge Smalls rapper, Albert Einstein-scientist my Family and friends that had all passed on It was a fun experience I managed to design the outhouse ferris wheel and yeah it sounds stupid but that was great about I was in what was termed as anu’s heaven but there was chaos and houses were getting dropped wherever there would be no direction or it was random as shit. Anna put her house in my outhouse feris wheel along with a recording studio. Auditorium filled with a huge stage and huge swimming pool for the fans. A huge pot room that had a hot tub that a door that opened up into a waterslide going 100 feet down into a pool. Diana took that one slide and it scared the crap out of her.after the fun ended it started raining people and I had to protect Jesus it was part of this crazy devil game and by game you are first person controller for you and the pain is real. Which brings me to when I was hanging out with maryln Monroe we comosed some songs on piano and sang she was very cool but style was old fashioned. I was visited by Logos and the only place where the name Logos was used was in the Koran. I got up there and Jesus was there Logos Pan and Ronny they were known as the gods and P was known as the creator he was a little green alien who was cool and groovy but he hated humans the gods where created by him and they all had to eat humans
It was a thing they told me that aliens are like huge fish and they will eat you if you are swimming in that galaxy. Ive seen a lot of alien stuff I may have been abducted during my possession the weird thing was they didn’t do anything to me except teleport me out of bed then teleport me back to whispering oaks I landed on the bed awake. After they left 666 was written in fire on space like wall
They proceeded to mess with my electronics they did something to my computer so you would have to reset it everytime just to boot it up. There was a power surge and it shorted out my computer and a multieffects pedal that I had.
Stuff was breaking in my room one day I walked in and noticed my roommate
Picking up pieces of porcelien from little religious figurines he had. He thought it was me got pissed walked out and held up another resident and he told her to give all her money to him. Anyway he didn’t return to the oaks he went to spend some time in jail. At this point I was with Logos and he was doing a lot of magic with nature basically making things move and oscillate back and forth changing colors and shapes.
Moving on I was laying in bed one night I was given ring worm by these demons as well as some wet paste they put all over me and in the most embaresing places it smelled worst than vomit or poop it was discusting and I would wipe it off they would put more on. The proding and poking of my privates lasted until 2 am that morning the next day I talked to the nurse there Karen and she gave some antibiotic cream I used it. It went away two days later it was back and worse than before. I could go through every day of this experience but I am not I am just going to. I will touch on spots because most days no talking from them just slamming my head with a fist is what they did to me. Biting my arms drawing blood and making me a nervous wreck.
I also must confess before the trail started I was messing with High Magic and performing rituals that I thought were appeasing to god and I healed the St.louis Cardinals in 2006 so they could win the World series. As a whole I am not a healer I can not heal anyone or fix them by myself. I guess its Gods way of protecting me. I also got pissed off one day at the lunchroom at whispering oaks cause people were stealing shit from peoples rooms and selling it. I had my music equipment and computer in my room so I stood up and said tonight I will send three tornados through an open field and if you come into my room I will make you very ill. That night I did High magic did my rituals and later on that night three tornados were reported going through a field. Those people were very scared of me they defiantly were much nicer to me after that and stayed out of my room. If we had locks on our doors it would have eliminated the need to do something as drastic as that. When it comes to magic it is also known as witchcraft and I do not practice anymore after this ordeal I started worshiping Good truth and wisdom and got rid of the worship towards a certain individual.
The hell continued until 2009 then there was a break the demons stopped bothering me and only showed themselves occaisonly this allowed me to work on my music and develop some necessary skills to be able to perform. I returned home to my parents house and dealed with getting hit in the head from everyday to just sometimes at night and by that time I had built up the strength to be able to handle anything whatever happens nothing is worse than demonic possession
I continued to see the psychiatrist from whispering oaks I never told him about anything that happened for fear of being drugged but I did tell him if I was depressed anxious or shifting moods rapidly. He worked with me up until this month November 2011 that is when we had a breakthrough I was demon free and he pulled me off a med and my memory came back I had more energy more ambition drive and I quit smoking cigarettes wrote over 70 songs and signed up for school for environmental psychology at Missouri Baptist University and also joined the baseball team there I will be a pitcher.
After this mess ended god made me design new life kinda like humans and aliens but better. Every new being will possess ever possible positive trait you can think of they are a creative bunch of people that write books music and make their own TV virtually eliminating the media. The all play some sort of sport
Spend a lot of time meditating so they can make themselves better and becoming more enlightened through truth laughter and wisdom. They all hang out together and only smoke marijuana they don’t do any other drug. This is my sole creation and I will have to finish it and make more once I get to heaven and get united with my brother Jesus and daddy Anu or God. I will be seated at the left hand of the father and yes I didn’t believe it either but I had to be burned for the job. So don’t follow me around stalk my house cause all I can give you is Heavy metal Music and advice I have no super powers and I don’t think I am better than anyone like I said God chose me for the job not the other way around
So if you see me say hi don’t run in fear cause I have done nothing to deserve that. Anyway thanks for reading and God bless.