National Westminster Bank
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My parents set up Trust Funds of which I am a lifetime beneficiary. When my father died, my elder brother became first Trustee.In the 6 years since my father died, he has lied constantly about what was happening with the account, and recently, I wanted to claim back the income tax paid on the interest payments to myself. My brother has been totally evasive, and combative. I cornered him in his lies, and he admitted the Natwest Bank had set up an account in HIS name, WITHOUT him requesting them so to do, to pay in the interest payments due to me.
Is this possible? Is this LEGAL?? The money is NOT for him, but for me.
This came about because I live in Spain, and he told me the Bank wanted my passport, Spanish residencia card, and my tax records for Spain, to set up an account in my name for the purpose of arranging transferral of Funds to me here in Spain. As my brother had already used the information about other aspects of my finances he found in my Father's papers and Bank records against me, I refused, and asked for the address of the Bank requesting this information, with the intent of sending them directly to them. My brother refuses to tell me at which Branch the Trust Account is being held, and now it transpires that the Bank set up an account in HIS name, using his Canadian Tax code etc, and he says he did NOT request them to do so.