It is the joke of this century!
Moon as per Vedic litretures is only a subordinate Planet, that regulates the Electro magenitic from the Universe created by the four Planets Viz Sun, Satrun, Jupiter, Mars
Each Planets has a link with each other and wholly responsible for life in the Earth.
The Moon will Suck the heat of the planets and creates vibrations because of which on full Moon day and No Moon day, Sea waves are high.
The rocks in the moon will not allow even a single pece ner to it and will push them away. Because f which, the commets nearing Earth are pushed away by the Moon and earth is protected.
The Moon has no water!
According to me Nasa is wasting money for a name and fame which is of no use to the public.
Ok till now Nasa has spent trillions and trillions of $ in this research, and how we the common man is benifitted?
It is our money that we are shedding and a false prestige amoung the scientists is making us to spend on a never found mistery.
To day the Universities ask students to write research papers which should be creative.
My suggession to nasa Scientists Please see how you can regulate the Electro magnetic force that reches to the earth that will be useful to the Human.
Moon as per Vedic litretures is only a subordinate Planet, that regulates the Electro magenitic from the Universe created by the four Planets Viz Sun, Satrun, Jupiter, Mars
Each Planets has a link with each other and wholly responsible for life in the Earth.
The Moon will Suck the heat of the planets and creates vibrations because of which on full Moon day and No Moon day, Sea waves are high.
The rocks in the moon will not allow even a single pece ner to it and will push them away. Because f which, the commets nearing Earth are pushed away by the Moon and earth is protected.
The Moon has no water!
According to me Nasa is wasting money for a name and fame which is of no use to the public.
Ok till now Nasa has spent trillions and trillions of $ in this research, and how we the common man is benifitted?
It is our money that we are shedding and a false prestige amoung the scientists is making us to spend on a never found mistery.
To day the Universities ask students to write research papers which should be creative.
My suggession to nasa Scientists Please see how you can regulate the Electro magnetic force that reches to the earth that will be useful to the Human.