i'm planing on visiting the montmartre cemetery in the following 5 years because of the amazing people that are buried there : Alexandre dumas fils, marie duplessis, edgar degas, Stendhal, Emile zola... those are some of my favorites, but there are many more that i plan on knowing more about, you can only imagine the life of any of these individuals. So if you have been to montmartre cemetery or are interested in the individuals that are buried there post something, i'd love to hear about it.
Alize :)
i'm planing on visiting the montmartre cemetery in the following 5 years because of the amazing people that are buried there : Alexandre dumas fils, marie duplessis, edgar degas, Stendhal, Emile zola... those are some of my favorites, but there are many more that i plan on knowing more about, you can only imagine the life of any of these individuals. So if you have been to montmartre cemetery or are interested in the individuals that are buried there post something, i'd love to hear about it.
Alize :)