I earnestly pay numerous respect and homage to Baba Bezinjo for the meritorious services which he had rendered for the uplift and betterment of the down trodden masses of my mother land, Balochistan.
By the way, the vacuum of his leadership still does exist in Baloch politics, even after lapsing a long span of time of around 20 years, since he has left this very world .How ever ,an eloquent leader of his character is obviously so sorely being missed in the present political scenario of my beloved Balochistan.
I pray to Almighty to rest his soul in eternal peace in His haven.
By the way, the vacuum of his leadership still does exist in Baloch politics, even after lapsing a long span of time of around 20 years, since he has left this very world .How ever ,an eloquent leader of his character is obviously so sorely being missed in the present political scenario of my beloved Balochistan.
I pray to Almighty to rest his soul in eternal peace in His haven.