I'm just a casual observer to cosmology, heck, long division scares me. In watching a special on The Science Channel regarding The Horizon Problem, however, an idea started fleshing itself out. This idea only has weight if we assume that the multi-verse theory is accurate and that ours is not the first, or only, Big Bang. The membranes between parallel universes is supposed to be impenetrable yes? What about when that teeny little singularity went pop? Is it conceivable that there may not have been any 'branes in that .000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 of a second? That an infinite amount of universes, at that nanomoment, then went their seperate ways? If so, I would imagine that there would be an equally infinite amount of, essentially, the same basic space stuff equally distributed throughout the multi-verses in all areas of each.
Consider: The instant a child is born, the same child is born across an unfathomable amount of parallel universes yes? Now what if at that moment there were no membranes between these universes to seperate the children into their prospective realities and they ran amok in one? They would be identical physically but according to the multi-verse theory, would lead anywhere from exacting, to similar, even drastically different lives in the same universe.
I propose that the reason we see impossibly similar universal (pun intended) traits is proof positive that multiple universes do, indeed, exist and that the Big Bang was powerful enough a force to transend the membranes that seperate them.
I would appreciate any insight regarding this from someone who may actually know what they're talking about, thanks.
Consider: The instant a child is born, the same child is born across an unfathomable amount of parallel universes yes? Now what if at that moment there were no membranes between these universes to seperate the children into their prospective realities and they ran amok in one? They would be identical physically but according to the multi-verse theory, would lead anywhere from exacting, to similar, even drastically different lives in the same universe.
I propose that the reason we see impossibly similar universal (pun intended) traits is proof positive that multiple universes do, indeed, exist and that the Big Bang was powerful enough a force to transend the membranes that seperate them.
I would appreciate any insight regarding this from someone who may actually know what they're talking about, thanks.