There is nothing about midnight movies during the early 60s. The Inwood theatre in Dallas Texas had regular mm screenings, about 3 or 4 times a year. While they were mainly for high school students and had none of the subversiveness of the 70s, they were joyous social events where you met up often with other young people your parents didn't want you to associate with (sideburned hoods). But the main attraction was horror films such as The Thing, The Blob, and a few Jack Arnold movies. There was always a policeman present to keep out the switchblade crowd, even if one or two did manage to get pas the door. There must have been other theatres across America doing the same thing in the late 1950s and very early 60s, but I can find no accounts of these. Nobody was high in Dallas highschools in those days, but they were tanked up on beer, and I cleary remember interacting with the screaming heroines in these films. A type of precursor to the 70s, probably not, but the midnight horror movie was flourishing in Dallas in 1960, and perhaps late 50s as well.