Have any of you attempted to apply for a teaching position at Mesquite Independent School District? I have and found it impossible to gain an interview, even though, I have a Masters Degree in Education. The simple and hard truth is the school district discriminates on the basis of age and gender. If you are a 23-26 year-old young female coming out of a college like Stephen F Austin with a Bachelor in Education (without a teacher certification) you will be almost instantly hired through the many job fairs they provide at the college on a emergency certification basis.
Apply at the District's administrative offices for a substitute position and you will not even get a interview. Just the way the district operates. It's not about talent, experience, education or merit. It's all about profile!
Apply at the District's administrative offices for a substitute position and you will not even get a interview. Just the way the district operates. It's not about talent, experience, education or merit. It's all about profile!