If a friend, loved one, or close family member is suffering from chronic pain in their back, legs, neck and joints, there is a good chance it might have a lot to do with the mattress they’re currently using. Many mattresses today, while still made of good quality, may be doing their back and neck more harm than you may realize. Even the most expensive, high quality mattress, if not specifically designed with back care needs in mind, can only perpetuate what already might be a very nagging problem. So how do you go about finding the best mattress to fit specific back care needs, and what type of mattresses are specifically designed for optimum back and neck health.
While one size may fit all for Snuggies, or adjustable baseball hats, one size definitely does not fit all for mattresses. Because of the fact that everyone’s body is different, and certain areas might need more care and attention than others, buying just any old mattress can be potentially harmful to your overall back and neck health. Even the most expensive, high quality mattress can be potentially counterproductive if it is not made your with optimal back health in mind.
However, today there is a specially designed mattress made specifically for people with back and neck problems, known as an alternating pressure mattress. An alternating pressure mattress is a pressure relief mattress made with state of the art memory foam that can help those who suffer from neck and back pain, with a more comfortable and healthy sleep. But how do alternating pressure mattresses work, and can they really help with severe neck and back pain?
According to many neck and back care experts, alternating pressure mattresses can be one of the best things you can buy to assure proper back health. Because the average person spends 1/3 of every day sleeping, the type of mattress they use everyday becomes very important to their overall back health. Even if a person is aware of their back problems, and takes the necessary steps to fix it, such as stretching, yoga, back massages, and even surgery, if they are sleeping on the wrong kind of mattress, their back problems may only continue to worsen.
The reason an alternating pressure mattress is so effective is because it is specifically designed to provide the correct amount of support to various parts of the body as needed. This alternative pressure approach helps to evenly distribute a person’s weight, making it far different from a standard mattress which might cause unneeded pressure on different areas of the body. This means that for people suffering from severe back, and neck pain, that their lower back, for instance, isn’t forced to bear the brunt of the weight support, which can only make matters worse. With alternative pressure technology, the back and neck are more comfortably supported, causing fewer back and neck problems in the immediate future, and down the line as well.
Rachel Clarkson
Rachel Clarkson is a bed sores specialist and a big fan and promoter of “The Volkner Turning Mattress”: http://www.Volkner.com
While one size may fit all for Snuggies, or adjustable baseball hats, one size definitely does not fit all for mattresses. Because of the fact that everyone’s body is different, and certain areas might need more care and attention than others, buying just any old mattress can be potentially harmful to your overall back and neck health. Even the most expensive, high quality mattress can be potentially counterproductive if it is not made your with optimal back health in mind.
However, today there is a specially designed mattress made specifically for people with back and neck problems, known as an alternating pressure mattress. An alternating pressure mattress is a pressure relief mattress made with state of the art memory foam that can help those who suffer from neck and back pain, with a more comfortable and healthy sleep. But how do alternating pressure mattresses work, and can they really help with severe neck and back pain?
According to many neck and back care experts, alternating pressure mattresses can be one of the best things you can buy to assure proper back health. Because the average person spends 1/3 of every day sleeping, the type of mattress they use everyday becomes very important to their overall back health. Even if a person is aware of their back problems, and takes the necessary steps to fix it, such as stretching, yoga, back massages, and even surgery, if they are sleeping on the wrong kind of mattress, their back problems may only continue to worsen.
The reason an alternating pressure mattress is so effective is because it is specifically designed to provide the correct amount of support to various parts of the body as needed. This alternative pressure approach helps to evenly distribute a person’s weight, making it far different from a standard mattress which might cause unneeded pressure on different areas of the body. This means that for people suffering from severe back, and neck pain, that their lower back, for instance, isn’t forced to bear the brunt of the weight support, which can only make matters worse. With alternative pressure technology, the back and neck are more comfortably supported, causing fewer back and neck problems in the immediate future, and down the line as well.
Rachel Clarkson
Rachel Clarkson is a bed sores specialist and a big fan and promoter of “The Volkner Turning Mattress”: http://www.Volkner.com