Does anyone know who strated the Maori Religion? What book do they use to read to find out spiritual things?
replied to: pickles20
Replied to: Does anyone know who strated the Maori Religion? What book do...
Hi there :)
i found through research for school project that
Maori religion was based on the important concepts of mana and tapu. Mana is an impersonal force that can be both inherited and acquired by individuals in the course of their lives. Tapu refers to sacredness that was assigned by status at birth.
i'm not sure if that helped or not.
replied to: rakenarep
Replied to: Hi there :)
i found through research for school project that...
Thank you it did.
replied to: pickles20
Replied to: Does anyone know who strated the Maori Religion? What book do...
Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me."
replied to: RandMSutor
Replied to: Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the...
Alexander the Great said, "Let's go kick some Persian ass."
Let's keep trading ancient quotes. This is fun!