Make a Difference
Hello, I am a student that attends Pewaukee High School. As a semester project for our Environmental Science class, we were instructed to “Make A Difference” by writing up a project proposal that would address an environmental issue. There are many environmental issues in the world that do not only relate to pollution. Some examples would be invasive species, animal cruelty or deforestation.
Many of the major problems that people around the world have heard about are all forms of pollution such as soil, air, and water pollution. All of which are very serious issues that compromise survival of life on Earth.
Since Pewaukee has had issues regarding soil pollution, I have decided to combat the issue to the best of my ability by first off creating this newsletter to educate the public regarding the effects of what this form of pollution does.
Not too long ago, the underpass by Highway 16 by the Pewaukee River was completely full of trash. For a number of years now, there has not been a vast quantity of trash lying in this area, which is large improvement.
Another problem has been the use of fertilizers on lawns near Pewaukee Lake. The end result was large algae booms that consumed the oxygen in the water and killed off many fish. The beach had been closed down for a time due to the large amount of spores being released by the algae. Using fertilizer on lawns caused all this. How did it get there? The fertilizer lies on top of ground or somewhat below the surface, and when it rains, all the chemicals washed into the lake.
Issues regarding the lake may not affect you personally, but what happens to that garbage that went flew out of your car window or that somebody left in a parking lot? It all ends up somewhere. It could end up anywhere.
The Point
All garbage that is not thrown away properly ends up somewhere it shouldn’t. Garbage enters the ocean everyday and causes a great deal of harm to the environment. Plastic rings that hold bottles of soda end up in bodies of water and kill marine animals. Birds are also affected that live close to the Oceans. The trash gets caught onto their beak, wings or legs prohibiting mobility. With the mobility of said animal prohibited, it cannot feed. It then dies of starvation. What affects one group of animals, affects others as well. Everything is connected. The food chain links all animals including you!
How You Can Help
The easiest way to help is by properly throwing away of all garbage properly. By saying this, it also important to recycle! If you see somebody littering, inform them of what they are contributing. Explain to them that the garbage they have left could potentially kill animals. Volunteer in the community to pick up and help properly dispose of trash. Will you contribute to the extinction of animals?
Volunteer to help save the Great Lakes at: http://savethewildup.org/
Hello, I am a student that attends Pewaukee High School. As a semester project for our Environmental Science class, we were instructed to “Make A Difference” by writing up a project proposal that would address an environmental issue. There are many environmental issues in the world that do not only relate to pollution. Some examples would be invasive species, animal cruelty or deforestation.
Many of the major problems that people around the world have heard about are all forms of pollution such as soil, air, and water pollution. All of which are very serious issues that compromise survival of life on Earth.
Since Pewaukee has had issues regarding soil pollution, I have decided to combat the issue to the best of my ability by first off creating this newsletter to educate the public regarding the effects of what this form of pollution does.
Not too long ago, the underpass by Highway 16 by the Pewaukee River was completely full of trash. For a number of years now, there has not been a vast quantity of trash lying in this area, which is large improvement.
Another problem has been the use of fertilizers on lawns near Pewaukee Lake. The end result was large algae booms that consumed the oxygen in the water and killed off many fish. The beach had been closed down for a time due to the large amount of spores being released by the algae. Using fertilizer on lawns caused all this. How did it get there? The fertilizer lies on top of ground or somewhat below the surface, and when it rains, all the chemicals washed into the lake.
Issues regarding the lake may not affect you personally, but what happens to that garbage that went flew out of your car window or that somebody left in a parking lot? It all ends up somewhere. It could end up anywhere.
The Point
All garbage that is not thrown away properly ends up somewhere it shouldn’t. Garbage enters the ocean everyday and causes a great deal of harm to the environment. Plastic rings that hold bottles of soda end up in bodies of water and kill marine animals. Birds are also affected that live close to the Oceans. The trash gets caught onto their beak, wings or legs prohibiting mobility. With the mobility of said animal prohibited, it cannot feed. It then dies of starvation. What affects one group of animals, affects others as well. Everything is connected. The food chain links all animals including you!
How You Can Help
The easiest way to help is by properly throwing away of all garbage properly. By saying this, it also important to recycle! If you see somebody littering, inform them of what they are contributing. Explain to them that the garbage they have left could potentially kill animals. Volunteer in the community to pick up and help properly dispose of trash. Will you contribute to the extinction of animals?
Volunteer to help save the Great Lakes at: http://savethewildup.org/