Part of my knowledge that Mirpur divison used be part of Punjab before Jammu Kashmir existing, but they are not part of Punjab anymore since few hundred years ago. People of Mirpur Divison are kashmiris as nationality nowhere, this is not problem. Just like Pakistan did not exist until 1947, does it means you are really Indian or are you deny this fact? Mirpur Divison are nature part of POOUCH region because their culture and language are PAHARI which is 100% same to Poouch, Sucnnoti and Rajauri. Also I must admit that Azad Kashmiris are not too different from Pothowari Divison (Nothern Punjab) and Hazara Divison (K-Pashtunkhwa).
So my view, Mirpur could be history part of Punjab but cultural and language are nature part of Poouch Region and relate with Jammu City more than Punjab, speciality Lahore Divison and Indian Punjab.
Other part of my knowledge that Azad Kashmiris don’t speak kashmiri/kushur but mainly speak Pahari while kashmiris-speaking can be found in Vale of Kashmir, Jammu Kashmir. Paharis-speaking are also found in Vale of Kashmir, mostly Kupwara area. Dogris are mainly spoken in Jammu City, Jammu area. Poouch and Rajauri speak Pahari which is also in Azad Kashmir. We have hindko and pothwari in Azad Kashmir, they are relating with Pahari as tree family and so Dogri too. We have Gojri speaking in Poouch area of both side and some parts in Vale of Kashmir. I have no knowledge rest of Jammu Kashmir (Gilgit-Batistan, Ladakh and Aksai Chin) so I cannot comment this.
Funny thing is, Gilgit-Batistan are not part of Azad Kashmir, nor they are not part of Jammu Kashmir anymore. Strange thing is Gilgit-Batistan did get it own name of land for while we Azad Kashmiris did not get our proper name? I believe Azad Kashmir should have been renamed Pahari but remain be part of Jammu Kashmir as history nationality and part of Kashmir Despite issue. Azad Kashmir is not really azad, it is part of Pakistan, and also their passports say to be Pakistani. We have no problem with Pakistan; it is just Azad Kashmiris does still believe in Jammu Kashmir.
If it is matters of ethnicity then Azad Kashmir and Jammu region must be untie. Or if it is matters of nationality then whole Jammu Kashmir and Azad Kashmir must be untie. I cant comments about Gilgit-Batistan’s issue.
End of the day, people of Mirpur Divison are Kashmiris as nationality, their ethnicity are actually Pahari folks.
So my view, Mirpur could be history part of Punjab but cultural and language are nature part of Poouch Region and relate with Jammu City more than Punjab, speciality Lahore Divison and Indian Punjab.
Other part of my knowledge that Azad Kashmiris don’t speak kashmiri/kushur but mainly speak Pahari while kashmiris-speaking can be found in Vale of Kashmir, Jammu Kashmir. Paharis-speaking are also found in Vale of Kashmir, mostly Kupwara area. Dogris are mainly spoken in Jammu City, Jammu area. Poouch and Rajauri speak Pahari which is also in Azad Kashmir. We have hindko and pothwari in Azad Kashmir, they are relating with Pahari as tree family and so Dogri too. We have Gojri speaking in Poouch area of both side and some parts in Vale of Kashmir. I have no knowledge rest of Jammu Kashmir (Gilgit-Batistan, Ladakh and Aksai Chin) so I cannot comment this.
Funny thing is, Gilgit-Batistan are not part of Azad Kashmir, nor they are not part of Jammu Kashmir anymore. Strange thing is Gilgit-Batistan did get it own name of land for while we Azad Kashmiris did not get our proper name? I believe Azad Kashmir should have been renamed Pahari but remain be part of Jammu Kashmir as history nationality and part of Kashmir Despite issue. Azad Kashmir is not really azad, it is part of Pakistan, and also their passports say to be Pakistani. We have no problem with Pakistan; it is just Azad Kashmiris does still believe in Jammu Kashmir.
If it is matters of ethnicity then Azad Kashmir and Jammu region must be untie. Or if it is matters of nationality then whole Jammu Kashmir and Azad Kashmir must be untie. I cant comments about Gilgit-Batistan’s issue.
End of the day, people of Mirpur Divison are Kashmiris as nationality, their ethnicity are actually Pahari folks.