I push the table away to be more comfortable. In the formula, it must be at night, so I close the shutters. They say that this recipe works perfectly, it does miracles. I light two candles and I sit on the carpet. I take the bay leaf and the lighter. I think hard about Vincent. I desire him. The formula says that we must burn the leaf, but it might smell up the living room.
The phone rings. I decide to replace the candles by scented ones. A heavy smell fills the room. I mix the ashes with two pansie petals, two mint leaves and two sprouts of marjoram. After the next full moon, I should put the mixture in my shoes and go see Vincent.
The phone rings. I decide to replace the candles by scented ones. A heavy smell fills the room. I mix the ashes with two pansie petals, two mint leaves and two sprouts of marjoram. After the next full moon, I should put the mixture in my shoes and go see Vincent.