When you find someone why do you have to look up at the stars and say u love someone is there a star about love or something
replied to: lolamcgory
Replied to: When you find someone why do you have to look up...
Hi im no experte but maybe thats ur way of saying i love u . or maybe in ancet times there was a geek godess of love or something .so whos this person that you love ? HUH.
replied to: lexy3
Replied to: Hi im no experte but maybe thats ur way of saying...
Well its nae like i have long relashionship like but i know it is when you really like someone and you can say i love you till your blue in the face lol but yeah its when u have very strong feelings for some1 like what i have now and every minite of every day i cant sstop thingking of him