Looking for Answers to My Questions on Evolution and Creation
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The foundation of science is that matter can not be created or destroyed but can be changed from one form into another. Therfore isn't it redundant to talk about evolution with a creator. If not, where did it all come from?

Also look up at space and the universe. Consider the vastness if you can imagine that vastness and where does it end? And what is at the end? Consider also the orderness and destructiveness, and yet still order. It all go on and on. There is no end. There can't be no end, for even in distruction, there is no beginnings. It is more than we can imagine. It can blow your mind. There can therefore be only on answer.
replied to:  specialchild
Replied to:  The foundation of science is that matter can not be created...
Hello, specialchild and may peace be with you.

I follow Jesus Christ. I believe that His Word has answers for questions specific to all generations, from everlasting to everlasting. Consider this, if you will:

The Cosmology of Creation, in the King James Bible:
I. The Word of God is timeless.
II. The King James Version of the Bible is a valid translation of God’s Word.
III. Therefore, the Word of God in the King James Bible is aware of 21st Century issues.

There is a sequence of events coded into Genesis 1 that may be construed as a cosmological understanding of the birth of the Universe:

A. “In the beginning,” was from everlasting, when God created the heaven and the earth. It was before space and time. “The earth was without form, and void” and “darkness was upon the face of the deep” because the Creation was warped flat by the unmitigated force of gravity without time. The Spirit of God “moved upon the face of the waters” and established a particle within the eternal darkness. And God said, “Let there be light:" and there was light in the inflation of space and time, the first day.

B. God let gravity be divided by a multi-dimensional Universe. The gravity under the firmament was divided from the gravities above the firmament, according to the requirements of the LORD: the second day.

C. And God formed the dimensions by gathering the waters together. The requirements for space and time were set up in another dimension, “another place,” which may shed light on the purpose of “dark matter.” And in that place, the earth brought forth the grass, the herb and the tree, according to third day specifications.

D. The dimension of space/time was finished when God made the stars and set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; today, the fourth day.

I think scientific theory is moot regarding the Genesis Creation, which is moot regarding the scientific process of discovery. However, the truth of man’s formation in the earth is foundational to the story of Creation in Genesis one. I believe that man was created in the image of God and that he was formed from the dust of the ground, according to the book of the generations of Adam. Details of the process are a technical issue that is irrelevant to the spiritual principles of scripture.

Thank You, Amen.