I don't usually post on shows I've seen on TV however, this thing going on with Lindsay Lohan seems to be a joke to me.If an "average person" would have done some of the things she has done they would have been in jail a long time ago.I have been watching this girl get away with bad behavior time and time again. Just because she is an actress does not mean she should get special treatment. Breaking the law is breaking the law, I don't care who you are. The video of her with the necklace on and did she steal it helps prove 3 people in that store saw her put the necklace on. I've never known a store clerk not to keep an eye on jewelry that people are trying on. Of course she stole it. She had a $2,500.00 necklace around her neck.You don't forget something like that. When she went to change her clothes or take a shower she would have noticed the necklace was still around her neck and she should have immediately called the jewelry store. She chose to keep it.