All is in the parents court. You, as the child MUST have an attorney present to represent you "the child." Life Estate sounded good to help the parent at the time.
Now that the economy has tanked, the parent does not want to pay the taxes anymore. YOU the stupid child are now responsible for the taxes or whatever ........
You cannot give back the deed to the property, you are screwed....
All you can do is take the parent to court for WASTE.....
Please think about NOT giveing Life Estates for your once loving parents, who have now turned into people who will destroy your credit rating ........
Now that the economy has tanked, the parent does not want to pay the taxes anymore. YOU the stupid child are now responsible for the taxes or whatever ........
You cannot give back the deed to the property, you are screwed....
All you can do is take the parent to court for WASTE.....
Please think about NOT giveing Life Estates for your once loving parents, who have now turned into people who will destroy your credit rating ........