Students in Russia begin struggle against lie.
Vladimir Ulyanov and Nikolaj Lenin are different persons. Issuance of claims and filing of criminal cases due to the facts of history falsification is possible, as long as such facts
Popular article for history: http://www.cneat.ru/lenin.html
Kolmykov Anton. Legal Responsibility for History Falsification. Revolution of 1917 in Russia./ Monthly scientific magazine "Discussion", 3, Yekaterinburg, March 2010, page 8-11. ISSN 2077-7639; ISBN 978-5-91256; UDC code: 94; 34.096.
The scientific article on stories (en):
In 1924 under V.I.Lenin's name other person is buried.
The expert's statement № 180 from 12.06.2010г. Forensic examination Samara - CNEAT.
From the legal point of view, the knowledge of history was formerly a SPECIAL knowledge possessed by the few. But now, as the Internet continues its growth, this history knowledge became GENERAL. Discrepancies between the general knowledge and official interpretation make the society believe that the power is occupational. But the official interpretation must be aligned with the general knowledge.
After cancellation of Article 6 of the Constitution, everything written by the historians is written at their own risk. The Ministry of Education and Science renders educational services, so a possibility of issuing claims against the Ministry and educational institutions under the Law No. 234-FZ "On Protection of the Rights of Consumers".
When spending state money to buy textbooks that describe a forged history, an amount exceeding 1 million rubles means causing severe damage, requiring action under the corresponding Penal Code articles against the involved officials....
Research conclusion: on February 23rd, 1917, Russia was seized by the USA with the help of Jewish OCGs (The organised criminal groups).
One cannot claim the participation of Jews as a nation, because, firstly, this is expression of extremism, and secondly, there was a lot of Jews among the numerous thousands and millions of Bolsheviks victims.
Below are some extracts from significant New York Times articles.
Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) published his opinion concerning the future course of the revolution in Russia. On March, 16th, after probably coercive removal of the tsar (no objective data on renunciation is available), Lev Trotsky's interview was published in the "New World" (NY USA):
"... the committee which has taken the place of the deposed Ministry in Russia did not represent the interests or the aims of the revolutionists, that it would probably be short lived, and step down in favor of men who would be more sure o carry forward the democratization of Russia." [March 16th, 1917, New York Times].
Starting to provide open military and other assistance to Bolsheviks:
"WASHINGTON, June 28.-Plans of the American Government for aiding Russia in rehabilitating herself, which became known today, reveal that the first step contemplated is informal assistance through American business and Industrial leaders, and dispose of widely published reports that a diplomatic or political mission would be the means of carrying out President Wilson's promise to stand back of Russia.
The personnel of a group of men who will carry expert advice and material aid along with America's expression of disinterested friendship to the Russian people now is being discussed. They will include only men familiar with Russian economic and transportation conditions.
Ample police protection is expected to be afforded them, but all show of military force will be avoided. Officials were reluctant to discuss this phase of the situation, realizing that Germany would seize upon it as a means of dls tor ting the intentions of the United States. For that reason it is likely that full details of the assistance to be proffered will not be disclosed until after the Germans learn of them by finding the plans actually In effect…."[June 29th, 1918, New York Times].
Together with Trotsky, and also in 1920, Nikolaj Lenin acts on the scene. Only in 1920 the public discovered that Lenin is Vladimir Ilich (Lenin). One of such publications is dated November 7th, 1920, and is called "Gorky to Lenin".
Statements claiming that Nikolaj Lenin was "a German spy" appear constantly. However, according to Antony Sutton, a representative of the American Red Cross mission (Root's mission) Boris Reinstein was the Lenin's secretary. He worked as an interpreter for a group of USA army officers. Information studies have shown that a grandson of the Lenin's secretary today is a USA federal judge, responsible for handling appeals connected with criminal cases [4].
Now we have all reasons to ask whether Nikolaj Lenin and Vladimir Ulyanov is the same person, according to the official history, or not? The names are different, and no proofs have been presented to the society.
To answer the question, we will use our special knowledge in the field of the forensic expertise and special criminalistic techniques.
The result of comparative analysis shows that a distinction within the same characteristic is present, e.g. the asymmetry is different. This categorically means that Nikolaj Lenin of 1917 and Vladimir Ulyanov are different persons.
Article conclusions:
Vladimir Ulyanov and Nikolaj Lenin are different persons.
Issuance of claims and filing of criminal cases due to the facts of history falsification is possible, as long as such facts do exist.
Vladimir Ulyanov and Nikolaj Lenin are different persons. Issuance of claims and filing of criminal cases due to the facts of history falsification is possible, as long as such facts
Popular article for history: http://www.cneat.ru/lenin.html
Kolmykov Anton. Legal Responsibility for History Falsification. Revolution of 1917 in Russia./ Monthly scientific magazine "Discussion", 3, Yekaterinburg, March 2010, page 8-11. ISSN 2077-7639; ISBN 978-5-91256; UDC code: 94; 34.096.
The scientific article on stories (en):
In 1924 under V.I.Lenin's name other person is buried.
The expert's statement № 180 from 12.06.2010г. Forensic examination Samara - CNEAT.
From the legal point of view, the knowledge of history was formerly a SPECIAL knowledge possessed by the few. But now, as the Internet continues its growth, this history knowledge became GENERAL. Discrepancies between the general knowledge and official interpretation make the society believe that the power is occupational. But the official interpretation must be aligned with the general knowledge.
After cancellation of Article 6 of the Constitution, everything written by the historians is written at their own risk. The Ministry of Education and Science renders educational services, so a possibility of issuing claims against the Ministry and educational institutions under the Law No. 234-FZ "On Protection of the Rights of Consumers".
When spending state money to buy textbooks that describe a forged history, an amount exceeding 1 million rubles means causing severe damage, requiring action under the corresponding Penal Code articles against the involved officials....
Research conclusion: on February 23rd, 1917, Russia was seized by the USA with the help of Jewish OCGs (The organised criminal groups).
One cannot claim the participation of Jews as a nation, because, firstly, this is expression of extremism, and secondly, there was a lot of Jews among the numerous thousands and millions of Bolsheviks victims.
Below are some extracts from significant New York Times articles.
Lev Bronstein (Trotsky) published his opinion concerning the future course of the revolution in Russia. On March, 16th, after probably coercive removal of the tsar (no objective data on renunciation is available), Lev Trotsky's interview was published in the "New World" (NY USA):
"... the committee which has taken the place of the deposed Ministry in Russia did not represent the interests or the aims of the revolutionists, that it would probably be short lived, and step down in favor of men who would be more sure o carry forward the democratization of Russia." [March 16th, 1917, New York Times].
Starting to provide open military and other assistance to Bolsheviks:
"WASHINGTON, June 28.-Plans of the American Government for aiding Russia in rehabilitating herself, which became known today, reveal that the first step contemplated is informal assistance through American business and Industrial leaders, and dispose of widely published reports that a diplomatic or political mission would be the means of carrying out President Wilson's promise to stand back of Russia.
The personnel of a group of men who will carry expert advice and material aid along with America's expression of disinterested friendship to the Russian people now is being discussed. They will include only men familiar with Russian economic and transportation conditions.
Ample police protection is expected to be afforded them, but all show of military force will be avoided. Officials were reluctant to discuss this phase of the situation, realizing that Germany would seize upon it as a means of dls tor ting the intentions of the United States. For that reason it is likely that full details of the assistance to be proffered will not be disclosed until after the Germans learn of them by finding the plans actually In effect…."[June 29th, 1918, New York Times].
Together with Trotsky, and also in 1920, Nikolaj Lenin acts on the scene. Only in 1920 the public discovered that Lenin is Vladimir Ilich (Lenin). One of such publications is dated November 7th, 1920, and is called "Gorky to Lenin".
Statements claiming that Nikolaj Lenin was "a German spy" appear constantly. However, according to Antony Sutton, a representative of the American Red Cross mission (Root's mission) Boris Reinstein was the Lenin's secretary. He worked as an interpreter for a group of USA army officers. Information studies have shown that a grandson of the Lenin's secretary today is a USA federal judge, responsible for handling appeals connected with criminal cases [4].
Now we have all reasons to ask whether Nikolaj Lenin and Vladimir Ulyanov is the same person, according to the official history, or not? The names are different, and no proofs have been presented to the society.
To answer the question, we will use our special knowledge in the field of the forensic expertise and special criminalistic techniques.
The result of comparative analysis shows that a distinction within the same characteristic is present, e.g. the asymmetry is different. This categorically means that Nikolaj Lenin of 1917 and Vladimir Ulyanov are different persons.
Article conclusions:
Vladimir Ulyanov and Nikolaj Lenin are different persons.
Issuance of claims and filing of criminal cases due to the facts of history falsification is possible, as long as such facts do exist.