Highest suicide rates. Highest alcohol and drugs consumption. Highest divorce rates. Highest road accidents. Largest mentally deranged population. Highest unemployment. Most backward in infrastructure and development. Largest sexual perverts, ogling at tourists. Highest sex scandals. Highest women abuses. Largest anti social elements called goondas. A so called 100% literate Keralite who never went out of the State does not know what a subway is.
Kerala is a big lunatic asylum as declared by Swami Vivekananda, with barefooted mallus walking half naked in lungis, spitting in public, peeing on walls and honking proudly in their small match box cars. Stone age tribals still living in coconut jungles and die falling into pot holes. By just reading some alphabets does not make one civilized or literate. Their king Mahabali was a demon.
Arrogance, pride, hypocrisy, vanity, insolence, haughtiness, lust, greed, anger, jealousy, killings, family fights, adultery are all demoniac traits exhibited by them and even promoted by their television serials. A Bihari maybe filthy outside but lunatic mallus are more dangerous, with an arrogant, pervert, hypocrite and filthy mind.
lunatickerala on youtube
Kerala is a big lunatic asylum as declared by Swami Vivekananda, with barefooted mallus walking half naked in lungis, spitting in public, peeing on walls and honking proudly in their small match box cars. Stone age tribals still living in coconut jungles and die falling into pot holes. By just reading some alphabets does not make one civilized or literate. Their king Mahabali was a demon.
Arrogance, pride, hypocrisy, vanity, insolence, haughtiness, lust, greed, anger, jealousy, killings, family fights, adultery are all demoniac traits exhibited by them and even promoted by their television serials. A Bihari maybe filthy outside but lunatic mallus are more dangerous, with an arrogant, pervert, hypocrite and filthy mind.
lunatickerala on youtube