I was employed by KSHB for over 13 years. I really loved it there. You might say working there was the only livelihood I had left in my life.
All of the sudden, one day that ended. After putting in a hard week of work, I was rewarded by being asked to come into by bosses office. I was informed about some alleged auto outages that happened recently. They blamed the whole incident on me. After 13 years of dedicated service I was terminated.
They, then cut me off completely. I didn't receive any severance pay for the years I was there. They took all of the remaining vacation time away from me. Furthermore, they didn't even pay me for my last two weeks of work.
When trying to contact and resolve these issues, all I got was voice mails when I called. They never returned any of my phone calls. I sent several email only to have none of them replied to. I felt like I just thrown out into a dumpster like an old worn out video tape recorder they had no longer had use for.
I finally filed an EEOC charge against them. At the meeting I was informed the audio outage issue was not my fault. They found out it was a technical problem they were having.
Then, they had the nerve to tell me my reason for termination was due to the fact they sent me an email, and I didn't reply. What a bunch of hypocrites.
I has been well over a year now and I still am not employed. I don't really want another job, I liked the one I had. I wish I could just go to sleep some night and not wake up because of this.
Worst part is KSHB doesn't care. They area bunch of mean, cruel, cold hearted, nasty, hateful, awful, UN-Christian people.
All of the sudden, one day that ended. After putting in a hard week of work, I was rewarded by being asked to come into by bosses office. I was informed about some alleged auto outages that happened recently. They blamed the whole incident on me. After 13 years of dedicated service I was terminated.
They, then cut me off completely. I didn't receive any severance pay for the years I was there. They took all of the remaining vacation time away from me. Furthermore, they didn't even pay me for my last two weeks of work.
When trying to contact and resolve these issues, all I got was voice mails when I called. They never returned any of my phone calls. I sent several email only to have none of them replied to. I felt like I just thrown out into a dumpster like an old worn out video tape recorder they had no longer had use for.
I finally filed an EEOC charge against them. At the meeting I was informed the audio outage issue was not my fault. They found out it was a technical problem they were having.
Then, they had the nerve to tell me my reason for termination was due to the fact they sent me an email, and I didn't reply. What a bunch of hypocrites.
I has been well over a year now and I still am not employed. I don't really want another job, I liked the one I had. I wish I could just go to sleep some night and not wake up because of this.
Worst part is KSHB doesn't care. They area bunch of mean, cruel, cold hearted, nasty, hateful, awful, UN-Christian people.