Hey guys.This site is a great idea!I fell in love with my '06 Firebird VII after I installed S.D. custom Antiquities.I'm now a fanatic for mini hums.I miss having a useable trem,so I'm having John Jagneaux build me a custom bird with probably a Floyd Rose trem.Before you crap on my choice,I'll tell you that I'm not a metal playe.I just like how the floyd stays in tune.I play my original tunes which range from classic sounding
rock to psyche fusion and progish rock.Completion of this build is about 2 months from now.
We're probably gonna go with a Jacksonish headstock design.
This will definitely not be a traditional design,but I do hope to have most of the superb tone of my VII.I am a little concerned about the tone change with the floyd rose,but when I think about the tail piece design of the VII,that's a pretty flimsy attachment point for the strings.I think the floyd might just beef up the tone in a nice way compared to the VII.
If this works out the way I think it will,I might keep the Vii and put a stop tail behind Tuneamatic.
Anybody use the middle pickup much on their VII's? I kinda like that tone.
If anybody would like a superb example of recent Gibson factory workmanship,I might sell my bird.
rock to psyche fusion and progish rock.Completion of this build is about 2 months from now.
We're probably gonna go with a Jacksonish headstock design.
This will definitely not be a traditional design,but I do hope to have most of the superb tone of my VII.I am a little concerned about the tone change with the floyd rose,but when I think about the tail piece design of the VII,that's a pretty flimsy attachment point for the strings.I think the floyd might just beef up the tone in a nice way compared to the VII.
If this works out the way I think it will,I might keep the Vii and put a stop tail behind Tuneamatic.
Anybody use the middle pickup much on their VII's? I kinda like that tone.
If anybody would like a superb example of recent Gibson factory workmanship,I might sell my bird.