The Isle of Skye pub was opposite the junction of Wessenden Head Road (formerly the B6108 but now unclassified on most maps) and A635 on top of the moor. According to a local history book which I read some years ago so cannot now quote as a source, the main reason the pub was demolished was not as the result of fire, but because it was not connected to mains drainage, and sewage emitting from it was dealt with by a soakaway cess pit of questionable efficiency. Being just on the Bilberry and Digley Reservoirs side of the watershed, this represented a potential threat to health and safety and the pub was permanently closed and demolished. Digley Reservoir was planned just before WW2 and constructed and opened afterwards by Huddersfield Corporation Water Works, and certainly this led at that time to the purchase and abandonment of several homes also within the catchment area for this reason. Therefore, had the landmark pub been built in a slightly different position, it might have survived.