Is the tribe of judah the black race?
replied to: hosea126
Replied to: Is the tribe of judah the black race?
Hosea 126
Don’t like the term black “race”, there is only one race, human, and it’s condemned.
Anyone who thinks he knows the color of the ancient Israelites is purely speculating.
I think the ancient Israelites were a dark or black skinned people, because of the Justinian (Roman) coin, and Samson’s seven locks, but that is pure speculation. The color of the ancient Israelites is of no importance, it might be important to know for sure who the descendants of the ancient Israelites are today. Black Americans, or Jews?
replied to: hosea126
Replied to: Is the tribe of judah the black race?
I'd say that "color" of races probably developed after Noah's kids migrated:
Japheth - Europe and North Mediterranean
Ham - Africa
Shem - Middle East and western Asia minor
The coloring was likely dark-brown from tanning exposure over many years. Those settling in areas of heat and sun would begin weeding out those who could not survive easily under those conditions. Advantageous DNA would predominate, and Ham's decendants turned darker than Japheth's or Shem's decendants.
Judah is an off-shoot of Shem's lineage.