Speed faster than light could be achieved if one can counter act /control the gravity field of a planet like earth. The use thermonuclear force generated thru the use
of diuterium cells bombarded by intemittent laser beams
may achieve this phenomenon. Enclose the diuterium cells in
spherecal glass about an inch in diameter enclosed in a bigger spherecal glass with water inside this larger glass
keeping the smaller glass centered. Laser beam in quarters
of the compass firing intermittenly till the cell inside starts to glow. Gravity field should be measured as the cell
has reached thermonuclear reaction(stars)
of diuterium cells bombarded by intemittent laser beams
may achieve this phenomenon. Enclose the diuterium cells in
spherecal glass about an inch in diameter enclosed in a bigger spherecal glass with water inside this larger glass
keeping the smaller glass centered. Laser beam in quarters
of the compass firing intermittenly till the cell inside starts to glow. Gravity field should be measured as the cell
has reached thermonuclear reaction(stars)