I have epilepsy and have always been interested in the First Ladies, so upon learning of Mrs. McKinley's diagnosis, I kept reading and found that her seizures were a considerable problem throughout her marriage but abruptly stopped after her husband's sudden death from assassination. This leads me to wonder if her seizures may have actually been largely, if not exclusively, due to extreme dependence she developed on him after losing both of their children and her mother in 3 years.
Does this sound plausible to anyone else? Without him to care for her, she was suddenly "forced" to get better. I'm not saying they were "faked." Convincingly faking a seizure is VERY difficult, but maybe they were aggravated by emotional stresses and a subconscious dependency on her husband? I'm especially curious about opinions from historians and physicians.
Does this sound plausible to anyone else? Without him to care for her, she was suddenly "forced" to get better. I'm not saying they were "faked." Convincingly faking a seizure is VERY difficult, but maybe they were aggravated by emotional stresses and a subconscious dependency on her husband? I'm especially curious about opinions from historians and physicians.