The same fool again !
I already did not understand if STRINGS may vibrate with every frequency, like in classical mechanics or if only a few discrete ones are permitted, like in Quantum Mechanics.
If STRINGS, indeed, behave like quantum particles, a single STRING is like a register within a computer !
Let's simplify, even if it where not the truth, that STRINGS might vibrate only with one single frequency in any of the 11 dimensions, like spin in quantum mechanics: a particle has spin, left-handed or right-handed or it has none at all. Similarly a STRING may vibrate or not.
If we give to a vibrating STRING the value "1" and a resting one "0", in this imaginary simplified STRING-world,
a single STRING would be a 11-bit-binary-register of a Superuniverse-computer, with 2exp.11 possibilities.
For example:
A STRING that only vibrates in the 3rd dimension would have the value: 0010.0000.000, other that vibrates in the 2nd and 6th dimension would have the value: 0100.0100.000
and another that vibrates in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th dimension: 0010.0100.001, thus creating really binary numbers !
Probaly more than one single frequency is allowed, so in reality these numbers are not binary but trinary, quaternary or what else, but STRINGS would behave like registers of a computer !!!
The consequences would be that our known universe is created by Superuniverse like a Virtual Reality (like in the Hollywood-film "Matrix").
Please, anyone who knows more about mathematics than me, take it seriously and transform my ideas in solid, well-made mathematics, and aferwards tell me, what he thinks about it !
yours truely:
I already did not understand if STRINGS may vibrate with every frequency, like in classical mechanics or if only a few discrete ones are permitted, like in Quantum Mechanics.
If STRINGS, indeed, behave like quantum particles, a single STRING is like a register within a computer !
Let's simplify, even if it where not the truth, that STRINGS might vibrate only with one single frequency in any of the 11 dimensions, like spin in quantum mechanics: a particle has spin, left-handed or right-handed or it has none at all. Similarly a STRING may vibrate or not.
If we give to a vibrating STRING the value "1" and a resting one "0", in this imaginary simplified STRING-world,
a single STRING would be a 11-bit-binary-register of a Superuniverse-computer, with 2exp.11 possibilities.
For example:
A STRING that only vibrates in the 3rd dimension would have the value: 0010.0000.000, other that vibrates in the 2nd and 6th dimension would have the value: 0100.0100.000
and another that vibrates in the 3rd, 6th, and 11th dimension: 0010.0100.001, thus creating really binary numbers !
Probaly more than one single frequency is allowed, so in reality these numbers are not binary but trinary, quaternary or what else, but STRINGS would behave like registers of a computer !!!
The consequences would be that our known universe is created by Superuniverse like a Virtual Reality (like in the Hollywood-film "Matrix").
Please, anyone who knows more about mathematics than me, take it seriously and transform my ideas in solid, well-made mathematics, and aferwards tell me, what he thinks about it !
yours truely: