Is Ron weasley like a real ranga?
Like you know... 100% REAL??
replied to: ilydevlin
Replied to: Is Ron weasley like a real ranga?
Like you know... 100%...
Well, im glad you asked ilydevlin, many philosophers and COD nerds have spent many a sleepless night hugging their Gandalf plush toys and weeping onto their Batman pillowcases over just that very question.
as a world reknowned ghuosrguihgiushgrieu-ologist, its my job to investigate such a myth.
replied to: DevlinRulz
Replied to: Well, im glad you asked ilydevlin, many philosophers and COD nerds...
Why thankyou username DevlinRulz! Your answer was very much appriciate.
I am sadden to say that my question still remains unanswered. I must know the answer. Sure a great world reknowned ghuosrguihgiushgrieu-ologist such as yourself could enlighten this situation for me somewhat??
Live long and prosper.