Hello, I am greatly interested in jung personality theory but lately I score all over the place depending on the test and I have a lot of questions about it. what do you think I am?
I can talk your ear off on just about anything. I love discussions.
I like to solve problems with others (two heads are better than one.)
I hate working in groups because I tend to end up doing all the work. I like clear lines of authority and exactly what job I am responsible for.
I like the written word over the spoken word.
I often find myself talking to myself or in public (grocery lists etc)
I often find myself believing if you want something done right do it yourself.
I don't trust others very much. It takes a while to earn my trust.
I tend to talk before I think, talk more than I listen (working on that) tend to divulge too much personal information at times
I greatly value my alone time.
If I am honest I don't like people very much at times, they can drain me.
I like to be social on the weekends, when time isn't as big of a factor and I am relaxed.
I really like my personal space. I was raised without a lot of physical affection so hugs and such can feel awkward.
I avoid conflicts like the plague.
I have a mild case of Agoraphobia in that crowds make me feel claustrophobic
I definitely need to rest between social interactions.
My environment is crucial to my behavior. In a casual setting I am more extroverted, Formality makes me more introverted.
my environment is crucial to my emotions and happiness and am very sensitive to environments (like a social venue I am very social, a library I am more of a loner) .
I can easily strike up conversations with strangers.
I find deep friendships difficult. I have lots of acquaintances and casual friends.
I enjoy many introverted hobbies but also a few extroverted ones.
I love being the center of attention. I am a born performer.
I can zone out easily if too much is going on around me.
I get excited very easy and others might describe me as being bubbly.
I tend to be more task oriented than people oriented.
If I am alone for too long I get cabin fever.
I really enjoy seeing my therapist and working out my issues.
I think my worst character trait is self absorption.
I wish I cared about people more and put them first more often.
When under extreme stress I tend to isolate.
When I am happier in my personal life, I tend to be more social.
I enjoy get togethers, potlucks, game nights, and other social interactions where people get to know each other better. I like structured social activities better than unstructured. (but that could be my Judging aspect showing) I feel more comfortable and in control when I am the host.
I can keep a secret if someone specifically asks me to but in general I find it extremely hard. I tend to give people christmas and birthday gifts in advance.
I can talk your ear off on just about anything. I love discussions.
I like to solve problems with others (two heads are better than one.)
I hate working in groups because I tend to end up doing all the work. I like clear lines of authority and exactly what job I am responsible for.
I like the written word over the spoken word.
I often find myself talking to myself or in public (grocery lists etc)
I often find myself believing if you want something done right do it yourself.
I don't trust others very much. It takes a while to earn my trust.
I tend to talk before I think, talk more than I listen (working on that) tend to divulge too much personal information at times
I greatly value my alone time.
If I am honest I don't like people very much at times, they can drain me.
I like to be social on the weekends, when time isn't as big of a factor and I am relaxed.
I really like my personal space. I was raised without a lot of physical affection so hugs and such can feel awkward.
I avoid conflicts like the plague.
I have a mild case of Agoraphobia in that crowds make me feel claustrophobic
I definitely need to rest between social interactions.
My environment is crucial to my behavior. In a casual setting I am more extroverted, Formality makes me more introverted.
my environment is crucial to my emotions and happiness and am very sensitive to environments (like a social venue I am very social, a library I am more of a loner) .
I can easily strike up conversations with strangers.
I find deep friendships difficult. I have lots of acquaintances and casual friends.
I enjoy many introverted hobbies but also a few extroverted ones.
I love being the center of attention. I am a born performer.
I can zone out easily if too much is going on around me.
I get excited very easy and others might describe me as being bubbly.
I tend to be more task oriented than people oriented.
If I am alone for too long I get cabin fever.
I really enjoy seeing my therapist and working out my issues.
I think my worst character trait is self absorption.
I wish I cared about people more and put them first more often.
When under extreme stress I tend to isolate.
When I am happier in my personal life, I tend to be more social.
I enjoy get togethers, potlucks, game nights, and other social interactions where people get to know each other better. I like structured social activities better than unstructured. (but that could be my Judging aspect showing) I feel more comfortable and in control when I am the host.
I can keep a secret if someone specifically asks me to but in general I find it extremely hard. I tend to give people christmas and birthday gifts in advance.