Is there anything Chris Jacobs will not do to keep his job. While watching ETs' recap of the wedding (Sunday May !, @ 2am CBS) Chris Jacobs was shown interviewing James Hewitt and of course he could not resist asking THE QUESTION "Is Prince Harry your son?"
Is it any wonder why Americans are so hated overseas? For the last few days we have all been invited to share in this beautiful wedding and all of the lead up to it. Considering what the media did to Princess Diana it is a wonder that either of her two sons would ever consent to allowing the media anywhere near them.
The world over has celebrated with them and for a few days we could forget what a truly miserable, hateful world we all live in. The news coverage, for the most part, has been respectful, joyful, and nonintrusive. That is except for Entertainment Tonight. Why drag all of this garbage up again. Dragging Princes Dianas' affair with Mr. Hewitt back into the news while the world rejoiced with her son was as tackless and trashy as ET has ever gone. It was sick and disgusting and I for one will never watch this show again.
The interview showed how out of touch Entertainment Tonight and Chris Jacobs are with the real world. James Hewitt has absolutely no contact with any of the royal family, he has nothing new to say, and lets face it he was never that important to begin with. He looked like exactly what he is, a washed up has been. Which made the whole interview look pathetic.
Watching Chris Jacobs ask the 'Hard Questions" would have been laughable if it wasn't so pitiful. I realize ET is not a news show but trashing Dianas memory the day after we all watched her son marry was not entertaining and showed just how talentless and self serving Chris Jacobs and ET are. Whoever decides which interviews get aired really dropped the ball on this one and I, for one, hope the ratings reflect what a poor decision it was.
Is it any wonder why Americans are so hated overseas? For the last few days we have all been invited to share in this beautiful wedding and all of the lead up to it. Considering what the media did to Princess Diana it is a wonder that either of her two sons would ever consent to allowing the media anywhere near them.
The world over has celebrated with them and for a few days we could forget what a truly miserable, hateful world we all live in. The news coverage, for the most part, has been respectful, joyful, and nonintrusive. That is except for Entertainment Tonight. Why drag all of this garbage up again. Dragging Princes Dianas' affair with Mr. Hewitt back into the news while the world rejoiced with her son was as tackless and trashy as ET has ever gone. It was sick and disgusting and I for one will never watch this show again.
The interview showed how out of touch Entertainment Tonight and Chris Jacobs are with the real world. James Hewitt has absolutely no contact with any of the royal family, he has nothing new to say, and lets face it he was never that important to begin with. He looked like exactly what he is, a washed up has been. Which made the whole interview look pathetic.
Watching Chris Jacobs ask the 'Hard Questions" would have been laughable if it wasn't so pitiful. I realize ET is not a news show but trashing Dianas memory the day after we all watched her son marry was not entertaining and showed just how talentless and self serving Chris Jacobs and ET are. Whoever decides which interviews get aired really dropped the ball on this one and I, for one, hope the ratings reflect what a poor decision it was.