Interferometry is used for what purpose?
replied to: stargazer1971
Replied to: Interferometry is used for what purpose?
The Sun appears to exhibit 12 different radiation Phases within and per each Sun Radiation Cycling Period with each cycling period being continuously repetative. Within each cycle are found 12 different phases with each phase being a particular fequency and with each particular frequency phase occurring in aproximately one hundread millionth of a second, a period of time defining the period of existance of that particular frequency. By examining light/radiation from the Sun with advanced interferometric devices and devulgement of that data a more exact definition will be attained concening the radiation frequencies being emitted from the Sun due to its ongoing internal nuclear activity. The light appears to duplicate a base 12 system of frequencies with each Sun Phase Frequency resembling the laboratory frequencies of Hydrogen, Helium, Iron, Nickel, Oxygen, Silicon, Sulfur, Magnesium, Carbon, Neon, Calcium and Chromium.
Photosynthesis revitalizes ground state atoms themosyphoned from the ground to the leaf via the heat of the Sun wherin photosynthesis metamorphs a ground state atom into an amino acid in some cases. Interferometry results are needed on the net as there are great minds waiting to read and interpret the radiation results from Inteferometrics data (that is out there but buried as if it must be a key thereby kept difficult to find as a great advantage can be interpreted from any in depth depth interferometric data from the Sun data).
replied to: stargazer1971
Replied to: Interferometry is used for what purpose?
The Sun appears to exhibit 12 different radiation Phases within and per each Sun Radiation Cycling Period with each cycling period being continuously repetative. Within each cycle are found 12 different phases with each phase being a particular fequency and with each particular frequency phase occurring in aproximately one hundread millionth of a second, a period of time defining the period of existance of that particular frequency phase. By examining light/
radiation from the Sun with advanced interferometric devices with open devulgement of that data a more exact definition will be attained concening the radiation frequencies being emitted from the Sun due to its ongoing internal nuclear activity. The light appears to duplicate a base 12 system of frequencies with each Sun Phase Frequency resembling the laboratory frequencies of Hydrogen, Helium, Iron, Nickel, Oxygen, Silicon, Sulfur, Magnesium, Carbon, Neon, Calcium and Chromium.
Photosynthesis revitalizes ground state atoms themo-syphoned from the ground to the leaf via the heat of the Sun temperature dfferential between the leaf and the root. Lights Photosynthesis metamorphs a ground state atom into an amino acid in some cases.
Interferometry results are needed on the net as there are great minds waiting to read and interpret the radiation results from the Sun Inteferometric data (that is out there but buried as if it must be a key and thereby kept difficult to find as great advantage is interpretable from any in depth depth Sun interferometric data).