The Chi Lites and Legendary Black Entertainers
October 25, 2010 at 1:49 pm
It’s not about responsibility but duty when it comes to abuse to anyone it is the duty of all that includes, even yes yours truly Oprah Winfery.
It’s not an unaware issue about the deaths of so many legendary black entertainers in the words of an ignorant idea I got mine get yours.
I got a little news for you someone helped even yes even Oprah Winfery anyone who forgets who help them and were they came from needs to quickly remember they could be back were they came from.
And if she forgets she will be back their like you are anyone else you don’t forget. Their never be a apology from any one asking for Oprah Winfery’s help PS
P S Oprah and you and her staff should remember that if you’re not going help don’t pretend are play like it on TV to get ratings.
Don’t ask million of people to give Oprah Winfery any money if she does not want to use it to help those who are in need and asses.
Tens of millions are give to Oprah every year to Angel Network why take the money if Oprah Not going to use it in the USA where it is given.
If it is given in the United States it should be use for the needy in the United States!!!
Oprah Don’t takes the money if you’re not going to help Son Darren of the Chi Lites and the legendary black entertainers in your own field that are homeless because of abuse and Corruption and racism.
Just give back if you’re not going to use it to help poor families in the USA and inner City Children at risk that the low life that wrote their uncovering statements obviously doesn’t care a lick about right.
If you can spend 40 million on a vacation for your spoiled staff I think you can find time to help!!!!!
There will be no Apology from me are anyone who speak the truth out!!!!
Tell that to the dead legendary black entertainers who died in poverty and legacy abuse
like Sammy Davis Jr., Creadel Jones from the Legendary Chi Lites, Jackie Wilson, Muddy Waters, and Florence Ballard from the Supremes ,
I wonder but do I really really need to are anyone else if the shoe was on Oprah Winfey’s foot would Oprah Winfery are her greedy staff still think the same way If they needed help from legacy exploitation and abuse that cause Oprah Winfery and staff to be poor are homeless would Oprah’s selfish Idea still be thought and used by her and her staff. Oprah I Got Mine You Get Yours I know with those Ideas you must be really help those poor in Africa Yeah Right!!!!!!
What a taxes scam HON Oprah Winfery for a person that gets over 260,000,000 dollars a year you had to come up with something hum? Can’t wait until January taxes roll around you and your staff can pretend Africa is your interest hoping that the IRS along are believes that lye for how long hum THAT”S THE REAL QUESTION HUM?
Help Africans yea right you can’t even help legendary black icons who have been forced in poverty from corruption and abuse to black legendary icons.
Oprah and staff keep the bad non work and I got mine you give me your so I can have more Angle Network up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 25, 2010 at 1:49 pm
It’s not about responsibility but duty when it comes to abuse to anyone it is the duty of all that includes, even yes yours truly Oprah Winfery.
It’s not an unaware issue about the deaths of so many legendary black entertainers in the words of an ignorant idea I got mine get yours.
I got a little news for you someone helped even yes even Oprah Winfery anyone who forgets who help them and were they came from needs to quickly remember they could be back were they came from.
And if she forgets she will be back their like you are anyone else you don’t forget. Their never be a apology from any one asking for Oprah Winfery’s help PS
P S Oprah and you and her staff should remember that if you’re not going help don’t pretend are play like it on TV to get ratings.
Don’t ask million of people to give Oprah Winfery any money if she does not want to use it to help those who are in need and asses.
Tens of millions are give to Oprah every year to Angel Network why take the money if Oprah Not going to use it in the USA where it is given.
If it is given in the United States it should be use for the needy in the United States!!!
Oprah Don’t takes the money if you’re not going to help Son Darren of the Chi Lites and the legendary black entertainers in your own field that are homeless because of abuse and Corruption and racism.
Just give back if you’re not going to use it to help poor families in the USA and inner City Children at risk that the low life that wrote their uncovering statements obviously doesn’t care a lick about right.
If you can spend 40 million on a vacation for your spoiled staff I think you can find time to help!!!!!
There will be no Apology from me are anyone who speak the truth out!!!!
Tell that to the dead legendary black entertainers who died in poverty and legacy abuse
like Sammy Davis Jr., Creadel Jones from the Legendary Chi Lites, Jackie Wilson, Muddy Waters, and Florence Ballard from the Supremes ,
I wonder but do I really really need to are anyone else if the shoe was on Oprah Winfey’s foot would Oprah Winfery are her greedy staff still think the same way If they needed help from legacy exploitation and abuse that cause Oprah Winfery and staff to be poor are homeless would Oprah’s selfish Idea still be thought and used by her and her staff. Oprah I Got Mine You Get Yours I know with those Ideas you must be really help those poor in Africa Yeah Right!!!!!!
What a taxes scam HON Oprah Winfery for a person that gets over 260,000,000 dollars a year you had to come up with something hum? Can’t wait until January taxes roll around you and your staff can pretend Africa is your interest hoping that the IRS along are believes that lye for how long hum THAT”S THE REAL QUESTION HUM?
Help Africans yea right you can’t even help legendary black icons who have been forced in poverty from corruption and abuse to black legendary icons.
Oprah and staff keep the bad non work and I got mine you give me your so I can have more Angle Network up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!