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In the Quran Surah 55:19,20 it talks about the two oceans (fresh water and salt water) which meet each other, but there is a barrier that separates them (from mixing?) What is this barrier? Thanks for help from anyone, Chuck
replied to:  chuckla
Replied to:  In the Quran Surah 55:19,20 it talks about the two oceans...
I believe every surah in the quran has its own meaning behind the obvius mean diffrent to everyone.i believe that is why the prophet did not receive the quran all 30 juz at once but little by little,surah by surah so that it can be thinked deeply and applied into our dayly lives.for me this surah means the ones who really practice islam cant mix with the disobedient even if you put the togethr.will not mix jus like water and oil.from my personal experience,i am a muslim but i used to mix with bad people and when i changed(start to follow islam) i tried mixing(hanging out and spending time) with my old bad frienecause ows but i felt as if there was a wall that separates me from them.
replied to:  snowflower
Replied to:  I believe every surah in the quran has its own meaning...
Sunflower: Thank you for responding to my query. I totally agree with you that the Righteous can not mix with the Unrighteous just as oil and water can not mix. The Quran, however, is talking about a scientific phenomena that prevents two different oceans (such as the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterrenean Sea) from totally mixing together and becomming one. Even though they do meet they still retain their individual saline characteristics, and a barrier is formed between them. In the 25th Surrah the phenomena that we call today "The Pycnocline Zone" is discussed. When a body of fresh water (say the Nile River) pours into a body of salt water (say the Mediterrenean Sea) a partition is formed of roughly three parts with a saline content ranging from 10 per cent up to 33 per cent, beyond which is the natural saline content of the Mediterrenean Sea. Going in the opposite direction beyond the 10 per cent there is the natural fresh water of the Nile River. This three part barrier is called "The Pycnocline Zone" and prevents the Nile River from being totally absorbed by the Mediterrenean Sea. What amazes me is that the Quran is saying this fourteen centuries ago when no one knew of such a phenomena. What amazes me even more is that the entire Quran came forth from the lips of Muhhammad, a man well known to be illiterate and possess no poetic skills, let alone great scientific understanding. Yet the Quran has been hailed by religious scholars of every faith (Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, etc..) as a spiritual, literary, and poetic masterpiece if read in Arabic. Therefore, since Muhhammad was incapable of creating such a masterpiece, devout Moslems declare the author of the Quran to be Allah himself. Even though, as you can see, I've pretty much answered my own question by going to Google and investigating I thank you, Sunflower, for taking the time to respond. May God be with you, chuck.
replied to:  chuckla
Replied to:  Sunflower: Thank you for responding to my query. I totally agree...
Dear chuck , I am immensely pleased to know that you are amazed by the fact that the entire Quran came forth from the lips of Prophet Muhhammad ( peace be upon him ), a man well known to be illiterate and possess no poetic skills, let alone great scientific understanding. Yet the Quran has been hailed by religious scholars of every faith (Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, etc..) as a spiritual, literary, and poetic masterpiece if read in Arabic. This evidently shows that you believe in the ALMIGHY GOD , that is , ALLAH and HIS last PROPHET MUHHAMMAD (peace be upon him) !!! So, my dear chuck , I strongly believe that you a blessed MUSLIM at heart !!! may ALLAH bless you !!!