Hello everyone,
This is my first post. I am trying to find others that may know if the Babaji revealed in Swami Aliyananda's "World Peace Mission" site offerring instructions in Kria yoga and iniaitions is "the Real thing." I suppose it doesn't really matter, but my questions persist. In Swami Aliyananda's pictures of him, he is an older man that I have never seen before, and I've seen many. All the "offical Babaji sightings" photo sites he is not there.
Swami Aliyananda says she found Babaji in 1997 after a 12 year search. She says she was given his telephone number, and that's how she found him. I know all is possible with Babaji, but a telephone??? I thought he lived in caves (or Shambala)in the Himalayas.
Can anybody help me out here?
This is my first post. I am trying to find others that may know if the Babaji revealed in Swami Aliyananda's "World Peace Mission" site offerring instructions in Kria yoga and iniaitions is "the Real thing." I suppose it doesn't really matter, but my questions persist. In Swami Aliyananda's pictures of him, he is an older man that I have never seen before, and I've seen many. All the "offical Babaji sightings" photo sites he is not there.
Swami Aliyananda says she found Babaji in 1997 after a 12 year search. She says she was given his telephone number, and that's how she found him. I know all is possible with Babaji, but a telephone??? I thought he lived in caves (or Shambala)in the Himalayas.
Can anybody help me out here?