Illinois, Lisa Madigan needs her little white fanny to be booted to the curb! Illinois does not need her! The Illinois liberal media is her greatest promoter and greatest advocate, just like they did Blogo, just like they do her father! Lisa Madigan is instantly applauded by the Illinois liberal media. I was born in Illinois and we don't need Lisa Madigan's failed, wasteful goverment programs that cause our high tax rates!! We don't need Lisa Madigan! Illinois is going BROKE! Illinois a BROKE, CORRUPT, FAILED, LIBERAL STATE, RUN BY LIBERAL THUGS! THUGS LIKE LISA MADIGAN AND HER CORRUPT FATHER! HER FATHER IS THE MOST CORRUPT MAN IN OFFICE, IN ILLINOIS HISTORY!!! THIS WHOLE NATION LAUGHS AT HOW CORRUPT THIS FAILED STATE IS!! LISA MADIGAN NEEDS TO GO!! SHE NEEDS TO GO NOW!!
replied to: gregys1
Replied to: Illinois, Lisa Madigan needs her little white fanny to be booted...
Illinois, Lisa Madigan loves to pick on the poor and disabled men in Southern Illinois. She abuses position and power and has no accountability for what she does! TIME TO THROW LISA MADIGAN TO THE CURB! PEOPLE IN THIS STATE ARE FED UP WITH ILLINOIS GOVERMENT MISMANAGMENT!! TIME TO DUMP THIS ACORN THUG LISA MADIGAN!
replied to: gregys1
Replied to: Illinois, Lisa Madigan needs her little white fanny to be booted...
Illinois, Lisa Madigan got her position on the coatails of her Daddy! Lisa Madigan's daddy paid people off to get her position!! No wonder the state of Illinois is going BROKE!! If this is what the people of Illinois wants then they deserve the state they have! Illinois, BROKE, CORRUPT, FAILING, HIGH TAX, MISMANAGED, A DISGRACE!!! YEP, THAT'S RIGHT DADDY'S GIRL! LISA MADIGAN PUKE, PUKE, YUK, YUK!!
replied to: gregys1
Replied to: Illinois, Lisa Madigan got her position on the coatails of her...
So you don't like her? that what you're saying?...