I'll admit I'm young and don't fully understand the Sting Theory, But if String Theory is correct, would'nt that mean that there is no such thing as a Completely sharp edge? Stupid question, I know. But if even the smallest of matter is in multiple dimensions, that would make it so that its not completely sharp or pointed, Right? I'm really interested in the String Theory and would like to know more so any information would be helpful.
replied to: StuntRacer21
Replied to: I'll admit I'm young and don't fully understand the Sting Theory,...
Understandable question, but the answer is simple. The quality of 'Sharpness' is relative to size. A telephone pole is sharp, if you are an man standing 500' tall. But no, at the molecular level, not only is there no 'sharp' (actually, straight is what you mean) edge. If fact, there is no such thing as physical contact of any kind, there is only magnetic repulsion and attraction, which is the strongest force we know of.