Glad to see there's such a lively forum dedicated to the great Bill Haley.
It was to the raucous beat of Rock Around The Clock and See You Later Alligator that I first got into rock 'n' roll as a young teenager. I could jive all night to the music!
I also recall going to the the cinema and seeing Bill and the Comets in those early rock 'n' roll movies that sent teenagers wild, dancing in the aisles!
Sadly, Bill quickly slipped out of the limelight as newer, younger acts came along. But his legacy lives on. I often wonder if I would have taken to rock 'n' roll if it wasn't for Bill. Probably, but it wouldn't have been quite the same.
I've tried to capture some of these feelings in a fictional book I've just had published called Somewhere In The Distance. It's set in the Sixties and is about four friends coming of age amid the rapid changes of the decade. But it's the magic of the music of the likes of Bill Haley,Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry and Johnny Cash that play a big part in their lives.
One chapter is dedicated to Bill's career and the character's feelings for his music.
Thanks for looking in
David Soulsby
Glad to see there's such a lively forum dedicated to the great Bill Haley.
It was to the raucous beat of Rock Around The Clock and See You Later Alligator that I first got into rock 'n' roll as a young teenager. I could jive all night to the music!
I also recall going to the the cinema and seeing Bill and the Comets in those early rock 'n' roll movies that sent teenagers wild, dancing in the aisles!
Sadly, Bill quickly slipped out of the limelight as newer, younger acts came along. But his legacy lives on. I often wonder if I would have taken to rock 'n' roll if it wasn't for Bill. Probably, but it wouldn't have been quite the same.
I've tried to capture some of these feelings in a fictional book I've just had published called Somewhere In The Distance. It's set in the Sixties and is about four friends coming of age amid the rapid changes of the decade. But it's the magic of the music of the likes of Bill Haley,Buddy Holly and Chuck Berry and Johnny Cash that play a big part in their lives.
One chapter is dedicated to Bill's career and the character's feelings for his music.
Thanks for looking in
David Soulsby