If God is unimaginable then why all these discussions about God?
Question: We are discussing about imaginable items only. We need not even speak about the unknown or unimaginable items. If God is unimaginable item, there is no need of speaking about God. The only statement that can be given about God is that we need not speak about God because He is unknown. If that is the case, what is the necessity of this elaborate philosophy as a subject, which can be disposed with a single statement that God need not be discussed at all since He is unimaginable?
Answer: The philosophy deals with the discussion of the existence of unimaginable item. When you say that God is unknown, there is a danger of establishment of the non-existence of God. Philosophy says that God is unimaginable and is existing. The Philosophy further says that the unimaginable God enters and pervades a specific known medium, so that you can experience the mediated God. It is just like the unseen electricity entering a seen metallic wire giving you the experience of its existence through the shock.
The philosophy deals with the investigation of the real path to please God etc., Therefore, Philosophy cannot be limited to one single statement, which states that we need not speak about God since God is unimaginable. Some say that the awareness is God and several others say that other imaginable items are God. We have to negate all these proposals by establishing that all these are imaginable items and hence cannot be the unimaginable God. All these aspects are to be dealt in detail and in depth and this makes philosophy a vast subject.
Question: We are discussing about imaginable items only. We need not even speak about the unknown or unimaginable items. If God is unimaginable item, there is no need of speaking about God. The only statement that can be given about God is that we need not speak about God because He is unknown. If that is the case, what is the necessity of this elaborate philosophy as a subject, which can be disposed with a single statement that God need not be discussed at all since He is unimaginable?
Answer: The philosophy deals with the discussion of the existence of unimaginable item. When you say that God is unknown, there is a danger of establishment of the non-existence of God. Philosophy says that God is unimaginable and is existing. The Philosophy further says that the unimaginable God enters and pervades a specific known medium, so that you can experience the mediated God. It is just like the unseen electricity entering a seen metallic wire giving you the experience of its existence through the shock.
The philosophy deals with the investigation of the real path to please God etc., Therefore, Philosophy cannot be limited to one single statement, which states that we need not speak about God since God is unimaginable. Some say that the awareness is God and several others say that other imaginable items are God. We have to negate all these proposals by establishing that all these are imaginable items and hence cannot be the unimaginable God. All these aspects are to be dealt in detail and in depth and this makes philosophy a vast subject.