Pat Benatar
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I wrote some songs for Pat that made her rich and famous, I never got a cent for them. I need a contact address for her. Do you have one?
replied to:  Inspectorcritic
Replied to:  I wrote some songs for Pat that made her rich and...
Can you please tell me something. I write songs and submit to them Paramount Songs in Nashville. I am pretty good at it. I have gotten 7 song writing contracts with Paramount. My problem is that I don't have the money to pay for them getting recorded and promoting them for circulation. I love to write. I wasn't feeling good for a while and kind of drew writer's block. But I have started back up. I have one recorded as a single and also it has been on a CD album.

I wanted to ask you if the songs you wrote have been in any promoted. I have had some people ask me if I would write for them. I did not say yes, because this one person in particular, wants me to do it for free. Then another one said he would pay me, but that he would get the biggest portion of the proceeds and royalties. He said that he would get more. That the writer always get less. But that is not the way I read it and also been told. The writer is suppose to get the most, without the song writer there would be no song. I just thought I would ask. I hope you will answer. I wsill see if I can find out Pat Benatar's address and let you know. I refuse to be taken in by anyone else. These people always want something for nothing.
