I was just reading letters about was agent orange used at and around Takhli.
I was at Takhli in 72 to help reopen the base. When we got there all we had were water bags set up in front of the old Post Office and old WWII rations
I was TDY from Luke AFB in Arizona. Only two of us went From the 58th as Vehicle maintenance. My TDY was to and showed I went to Holliman AFB New Mexico. Holliman was loaded into C5's and already on the way to Takhli, My DD214 shows I never left the states.
I now have a complete degenerative back C3 to T1, 75% nerve dammage. Rheumatoid Arthritis, combined with. Sjogrens Syndrome. I also have MAJOR panic Anxiety attacks, one of these days I am going to shoot myself to stop the attack. I have a 10% disability from the VA and can’t work anymore my body is just too screwed up. I went to Da Nang twice to help tear down equipment that was being moved to Takhli. The VA denied my clame quoting that nothing was related to my service, and I never left the States.
I am still proud of my service, If I could walk I would do it again.
Don in Arizona
I was at Takhli in 72 to help reopen the base. When we got there all we had were water bags set up in front of the old Post Office and old WWII rations
I was TDY from Luke AFB in Arizona. Only two of us went From the 58th as Vehicle maintenance. My TDY was to and showed I went to Holliman AFB New Mexico. Holliman was loaded into C5's and already on the way to Takhli, My DD214 shows I never left the states.
I now have a complete degenerative back C3 to T1, 75% nerve dammage. Rheumatoid Arthritis, combined with. Sjogrens Syndrome. I also have MAJOR panic Anxiety attacks, one of these days I am going to shoot myself to stop the attack. I have a 10% disability from the VA and can’t work anymore my body is just too screwed up. I went to Da Nang twice to help tear down equipment that was being moved to Takhli. The VA denied my clame quoting that nothing was related to my service, and I never left the States.
I am still proud of my service, If I could walk I would do it again.
Don in Arizona