Interstate 95 in Virginia
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I received my 1st ticket in Petersburg, VA just driving the
speed limit on I-95. Petersburg put up a black on white
"55" sign (illegal since 2003, must be black on yellow),
sets up a local young cop with radar and claims I was
driving 71 in a "speed zone of 55" (again illegal without
notification of impending speed zone signs with approved
reason, speed at start & along zone, and end of speed zone,
ALL in black on yellow eluminated to be easily seen by
drivers at 2 am AND ALL MISSING!). Only ONE single sign of
"55" (in wrong color) in a designated and GPS defined 65 mph
zone. My cruise control was on 65 and my GPS system records
all previous speeds, ALL had precisely 65 mph! The cop
refused to look at my evidence, refused to show any radar
display of 71, just forced me to sign the ticket and
immediately was in her cop car, pedal to the floor, flying
away! AND a VA driving had just passed me prior to that
"55" sign going well over 75 mph, probably over 80 mph, but
was NOT stopped! ALL real honest law enforcement officers
have said the entire ticket was illegal entrapment,
extortion payment to their criminal local court system.
What can I do to maintain my over 50 years of PERFECT
drving records as being terminally ill, I have little time
to elinate this crooked scheme by a corrupt town that should
be closed down!
They know if I drive back the 800 miles to fight, their
crooked judge will say "guilty" and I will be out over
$300.00 in gas and motel bills. This is why people hate
cops so much, there is no honor left in America!
Robert Post
Merritt Island, Florida