Central obesity
I lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks: raw food diet
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After years in a developing country, I developed chronic fatigue. After months of research and experimenting on myself, I finally have recovered. The side benefit is I'm back to my svelte self. I went on the raw food diet. Not only did I lose 15 pounds in 3 weeks, 6" on my tummy in 6, but I've almost recovered from chronic fatigue.
(My energy, sleep, digestion are recovered,but I still have a sinus infection. The immune system takes a long time to rebuild.) My face doesn't look 10 years older anymore. I see a glimmer of my young self again. My skin glows, my eyes look
bigger and brighter, my cheekbones are back (because my face is no longer puffy), my teeth are re-mineralizing,
and my hair is finally growing thick again. Yay!! And I can wear belts again!
(I was looking allittle sausagey).
I wrote about my experience losing the pounds and losing CF&F with the raw food diet on my blog.
This has been the best diet ever! Because it's not about losing weight,
which of course will happen but it's not the biggest benefit. The greatest thing about it is it gives your body the raw materials to build your most healthy, young body and face ever.
replied to:  PamelaViktoria
Replied to:  After years in a developing country, I developed chronic fatigue. After...
Do you mean you ate raw meat fish and vegetables? What are the health risks in doing this?
replied to:  tontoe
Replied to:  Do you mean you ate raw meat fish and vegetables? What...
I eat a bowl of raw soaked nuts&seeds everyday, and raw fruits and veggies. The health benefits are anti-aging, weight loss, and super immune system and digestion function:)