I have always been fascinated by T E Lawrence. Read about him, visited his Dorset home and Wimbourne museum etc I had an old trunk in the loft for about 7 years and when clearing out I suddenly noticed a signature on one of the stickers:Col T E Lawrence.The w could possibly be a u though. Got very excited but have got nowhere in discovering whether this trunk was actually used by him. I can produce no provenance.At the time of the journey I don't think he would have been travelling by this name.The name Hon. G Coleridge is embossed in large letters on the lid.It is an Italian Lines sticker,Cabin 27A Tourist Class that Col T E Law/urence's signature is written.Other names on stickers on the trunk with whom I can find no connection are:
MB Scott P&O Viceroy of India
T Moritt Southern Railway
The Osilite trunk is made by HJ Cave & Sons New Cavendish StreetLondon W.
Any ideas??
MB Scott P&O Viceroy of India
T Moritt Southern Railway
The Osilite trunk is made by HJ Cave & Sons New Cavendish StreetLondon W.
Any ideas??