On a whim, motivated by curiosity and not a little lust, I ran this ad: "My dear bored? - ignored? Long for light lovin'? Body type not a problem. Jack, Box XXXX Ross Ca." I rc'vd. a handful of replies, and the standout was: "Dear Jack. I am a bored ignored housewife -- with her phone#." We met at a Tiburon motel. It was stupid of me to have her come right to my room, for safety sake. But she joined me and we immediately connected up. as though it was an established affair.. She was slender, a lovely creature, responsive, warm. We showered and jumped in the sack. (we are talking an era before HIV, when even herpes wasn't that prevalent.) She was marvelously more than I expected. Circumstances dictated that there would be only one other meeting. I had to relocate without delay -- yes, there was a family.... yes, I was an adulterer -- and I never pursued further contact, for distance and finances. It must have been disconcerting.... I was there and then I wasn't Recently, whilst writing up an account of my exploits for analysis by a physician, it jogged the old memory bank, and stirred nostalgia to the point where I might ad the Marin IJ on the very slim chance of contact for old time's sake. I read where monogamy in the animal world is virtually unknown, for what that's worth, and in the human animal, close to half of both men and women who are married find others for sexual adventure at some time in their lives. I try to project how my thing with her could have gone.... with chances of guilt, of discovery, jealousy, and conversely how it might have gone forward trouble free for some indeterminate, joyful fulfillment. I did not labor in guilt. I accepted my deviation as a matter of course. I was not a serial adulterer. It was an adventure, and I enjoyed the spontenaity and the excitement of our intimacy. I acknowledge that we were fortunate that even for the brief time of our communion, nothing untoward transpired. As for my abrubt termination, perhaps it was best rather than a painful goodbye. Your response welcome.