Pierre Napoleon Bonaparte
I believe bonaparte died from a rare genetic syndrome named adersen tawil syndrome
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Bonaparte looks like some one with the syndrome...
short in stature
small lower jaw
from french and or canadian back ground given
low placed ears on head telorism
not sure if he suffered from syndactylly or condactyly
stomach bloating in the later years...
sudden enexplained death (sud)
andersen tawil is related to the kcnj2 encoded kir2 1 potassium channelopathy...in heart it represents with sudden death often during sleep in particular the rem stage of sleep.. I just wanted to be the first on record with this new theory as I became bored while investigating the andersen tawil or is it twail syndrome...my fifteen minutes of fame so to speak doe anyone know much about napoleans health prior to death? I havent read all the biographies... frankly ive only read some infor on the net... tell me what you know please....