Please where are heading to? When God created heaven and earth and everything therein and at the end He said lets make man in our image and after our likeness. So it was. After all this, Adam was made out of the dust. seeing that he need companion, he was made a helper out of his ribs called the woman. For heaven sake, even if a particular culture is directly or indirectly practicing same sex marriage in Ibo land as claimed by some one; my question is "have you finished with the females you have around you? How Godly is it to you?
The world is coming to an end but be wise as serpent do. Don't be loured into deliberate sinful act. Woman, as we all know are meant to sleep with men for procreation but even with that, they are to be legally recognized by their parents and blessed by God for such union. Why then today we are saying the man's anus is the best of all and to be given legal backing. It is true that some have been practicing it but they all know that it is sinful and a sinful man or woman caught in sinful act would not accept that he/she is sinning. It only take the grace of God to abound for them to recognize their state of life.
One thing I know is that one day we shall all account for our deeds and definitely some would go left and others would go right. It is just a question of time. The hell fire is real and we should not be deceived by the things of this world less we fall victims of circumstances.
The world is coming to an end but be wise as serpent do. Don't be loured into deliberate sinful act. Woman, as we all know are meant to sleep with men for procreation but even with that, they are to be legally recognized by their parents and blessed by God for such union. Why then today we are saying the man's anus is the best of all and to be given legal backing. It is true that some have been practicing it but they all know that it is sinful and a sinful man or woman caught in sinful act would not accept that he/she is sinning. It only take the grace of God to abound for them to recognize their state of life.
One thing I know is that one day we shall all account for our deeds and definitely some would go left and others would go right. It is just a question of time. The hell fire is real and we should not be deceived by the things of this world less we fall victims of circumstances.